Chapter Two

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For nearly an hour, I have managed to bypass the fame furore that Mitch Heston has been creating in different areas of the main hall.

I have been casually mingling. Warmly chatting with those who I genuinely used to like at school, and politely acknowledging those who I really didn't. I'm trying to be the bigger person here. I have my big knicker shape wear on, and I'm trying so hard to not bear any teenage grudges; but my politeness has not yet been extended to the very famous feet of Mitch Heston himself.

I don't know, all I still see when I now look at him—is the annoying and good-looking boy that he used to be.

I know, he's famous.

I know, ten years have passed.

I know, I'm probably overreacting.

But I can't help how I feel in his presence.

Oh my giddy aunt! He's looking over! Looking over at me! Panicking, my thoughts start scattering like tiny disturbed ants in my brain. Aaaaaaand calm. Is what I now tell myself, whilst pretending to be completely nonchalant to his curious gaze in my direction. This is horribly reminding me of how it used to be between us—I would always do my best to avoid getting any eye contact with him, just so I didn't fall prey to his immaturity on that day—God, it's feeling just like that, it really is.

Trying to casually move behind a small cluster of people just to the left of me, I begin to relax because I know that I'm no longer easily in his eye line anymore. Then, I begin to start thinking about whether or not now would actually be a good time to just quietly slip out and leave the reunion.

I came.

Been seen.

Conquered the dreaded reunion.

"Speccy Becky?" Like a heavy dumbbell has just been dropped inside of my stomach, I momentarily freeze on the spot.

Turning, ever so slightly, it is my time to now reluctantly respond. "Mitch Heston." I actually say his name, through a tight and defensive jaw.

Blinking a little too much, his smile is getting wider and wider on his surprised face. "Woah! I can't believe that it's really you. You now look—" Okay, he better be real damn careful with what comes next from out of that A list mouth of his! Mitch's blue eyes quickly roam from my feet, then finally settle somewhere on my face. " look different," he eventually says.

"Well, a lot can change in ten years." I'm smiling at him, but it's not a natural one. It is more of a, please-just-get-me-out-of-here, kind of a smile.

But Mitch, he wants to continue our somewhat strained conversation. "So, what are you doing with yourself these days?"

My answer is going to be polite. Polite, but oh so bloody brief. "I run a Computer Troubleshooting franchise." Yup, that is all he's getting.

Mitch's powder blue eyes thoughtfully rest on my slightly unforgiving cornflower ones. "That's impressive, Rebecca...really impressive." You know what? He actually said that like he meant it. And he used my real name for the first time ever! Not Speccy Becky. Not Frizzy Adams. Just plain old and respectful, Rebecca.

"Thanks," I graciously say, even offering him an just as gracious smile. "Well, it's really nice to see you again." I'm ready to leave our conversation right there...on a respectful high.

Mitch is about to answer me, when one of the swooning organisers swoops right in on us both. "Mitch! You and that Hollywood smile of yours is wanted over there...come with me!" With that, he is literally dragged away. But while he is, he keeps looking back over his shoulder at me, with a mixture of an apology and warmth.

Never, has Mitch Heston looked at me in that way before.

Never, has one of his looks had an effect on me before.

But tonight.


Just now..... did.

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