Chapter Twenty One

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I'm exhausted.

Disheveled and exhausted.

As soon as I touched down in Idaho Falls, I called Bobby Cline. He told me that the doctors had done scans and x-rays on Mitch and that Mitch was groggily conscious. By the time I had reached Lewiston-Nez Perce, he messaged me with the latest update that Mitch was suffering with a diagnosed concussion, two confirmed broken ribs and some cuts and bruises. He has indeed, been a very lucky man. The relief in Bobby's message has certainly lifted my jaded and exhausted spirits.

They are so tired.

So strained.


A little faded.

But Bobby's latest update has temporarily picked them back up, given them refreshing new hope. Now, I just want to see Mitch. God, I just want to see him.


"Rebecca, it really is lovely to meet you." Drawing me into an over familiar hug, Bobby looks so pleased to see me. "I only wish we could have first met under far less stressful circumstances, right?" That's his sweet and jovial attempt at making light of our current situation.

"That would have been nice." I agree, while Bobby eventually stops hugging me. I've only been in the smart presence of this dark-haired thirty-something American for the shortest of time, but I already like him. He emanates a kind professionalism. A genuineness that I am able to pick up on almost right away. Bobby might be Mitch's agent, but he's an agent who truly seems to care about his client. The anxiety and stress in his previous calls and messages, have carried with them just how much he thought of Mitch. And the relief when he first saw me, well that naturally just came out in the unrestrained hug he's only just given to me. "How's he doing?" My question is asked with worry, because worry has been pumping itself around my entire body for hours and hours now.

Bobby extends a small smile to me. "He's stable. He's not looking too pretty, but he's stable." Again, he attempts to adds some joviality to his response.

"Can I see him?" I hopefully and keenly ask.

"Of course you can." Gesturing with his hand, he's showing me the direction of where Mitch is. "He's in a side room, I'm trying to stop the accident from going viral until I have something prepped to give to the press." Bobby's voice becomes quieter, just in case the ears have walls or something. "The last thing he needs are people trying to get a picture of him laid up in hospital." Smiling, Bobby is definitely on high alert in his role as Mitch's agent. "Okay, here we are." Now, we are standing outside of a door, but Bobby is needing to say something else. "Like I said earlier, he's really not looking too pretty, so I just want you to prepare yourself, okay?"

Nodding, I can't say anything, for icy fear is wrapping itself all around me. Inside and out, a coldness is chillingly now holding me tight. As Bobby opens the door, that coldness seems to have immobilised my legs. They won't move. They refuse to move. Too cold to cooperate.

"It's okay, you can come on in, he's just had his head dressings changed and now he's wanting a drink." The male nurse brightly tells us both, while another female nurse is busily writing something down on Mitch's medical chart.

The room is dimly lit and strangely so quiet. I seem to be looking at everything in the room, except the reason why I am in this room. Noticing that I'm struggling, Bobby takes my arm and gently starts taking me to where Mitch is. I feel so stupidly afraid. So stupidly afraid of what my reaction might be when I see the man that I care about all battered and bruised on that bed. "It's okay, really is." Bobby whispers before kindly coaxing me closer, closer to look at Mitch. 

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