Chapter Fourteen

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I can honestly say, I have never been to a party where an ex has also been present. It's not something I'd recommend. Whatever stage you are at whilst dating someone, it's all kinds of awkward, let me tell you.

Right now, Dane is angry with Orla. Orla is angry with Dane. Mitch is now feeling uncomfortable, and I'm in need of a larger gin. "Do you want me to grab you a drink as well?" I softly ask Mitch, trying to keep my voice from having any trace of awkwardness within it.

"I'll have another beer, please?" As I'm just about to stroll away from his side, Mitch quickly takes hold of my hand and pulls me nearer to that side of his again. "After those drinks, I think we'll get going, okay?"

With empathy there in my blue eyes, I smile up at him. "If you're leaving because you think it bothers me that your ex is here, then don't. But if you're leaving because it bothers you, then by all means, we'll go."

Mitch moves in to gently place a kiss on the soft centre of my cheek. "I appreciate you being so understanding." Then, he lets me go so I can get our drinks.

I still don't know whether he is wanting to leave on account of me or himself, I only know that now is not the time to talk about it at length. The vibe to this birthday party has already taken a sharp nosedive. In the hallway, I can still see Dane and Orla having a lot of choice words with one another, while Mitch's ex has been edging herself closer to wherever he is. If she thinks she has been subtle about it, she truly hasn't. Slowly, she has been making her way around the room, and just like I thought she might do, now that I am busy getting our drinks, she has sidled her sassy self up to Mitch.

Am I jealous?

Not really.

Do I feel threatened?

She's an ex for a reason, right?

So no, not at all.


Yeah, I think I am.

It's just the way that she has been trying to get Mitch's attention during the short time that she has been here (all attempts have failed, by the way). While he has been trying so hard to avoid all eye contact with her, she has been trying even harder to get it.

Obviously, she is really good friends with Orla, which kind of explains why Dane's girlfriend has been so off with me this evening. And in a way, I get that. I understand how girly camaraderie works. But what I don't understand, is the secretive and bitchy way that Orla has done it. Clearly, not even Dane himself is impressed with her underhand behaviour tonight. And now, I'm having to watch the brazen ex, flirting and pouting at Mitch from across the room. I'm guessing she's another singer. She oozes being a performer. Oozes being a sexy stage artist. She has boobs, butt and Botox. In fact, she has every possible attribute that I don't have. But now that I have both mine and Mitch's drink, I am more than ready to face the pouting puss.

As I approach them, she is touching and thrusting at every possible opportunity. I'm sure it was all for Mitch's uncomfortable benefit at first, but now that she has spotted me, I feel it's all very much for my benefit now. When Mitch himself sees me, he actually looks relieved. "Thanks." He says with a grateful smile, before making a point of slipping his arm around my waist and bringing me back against his left hip. "Rebecca, this is Kendra." I can tell he doesn't really want to introduce us, but now feels that he must.

"Nice to meet you." Kendra says, but there's nothing in her tone to indicate that it's nice to meet me at all. She then thinks that by tattooing a big, fake smile on her cherry red glossed lips, will actually make it okay for her to look me up and down, then to do it all over again, before turning her head with a less than impressed expression on the rest of her face at what she thinks is the very unglamorous sight of me.

"You too." Is all I reply with. I can't be bothered to play her games. Besides, I'm the one being cuddled by Mitch. I don't even need to play her games, right?

"Well, enjoy the party, Kendra." Mitch flatly then tells her, before pulling us both away from her presence.

As we are, I questioningly look at Mitch. "Kendra Kane, right?"

He nods just the once, determined to put more space between us and his ex. "Yeah."

With her platinum blonde inverted bob, I hadn't recognised her at first. I think the last time I saw her on the telly, she had jet black long straight hair. I suppose that's the ever changing face of a pop star. And Kendra Kane, is quite a big one. In name only, mind you. In stature, she's actually very petite.

On account of me not being a social media whore and all that, I don't get to know who is seeing who. I sometimes get snippets of information from the telly or radio, but celebrities have never been of real interest to me. Ironic really, that I happen to now be dating one.

That said, I do know of Kendra Kane.

I have heard her music and even seen her perform on the telly.

But I've never been interested in who she is dating, where she buys her clothes from, what's her daily diet like, what is her make-up routine and how many poos per day does she have—yup, really not interested.

Once we have successfully put some distance between ourselves and Kendra, Mitch seems to relax his possessive hold on me. Kendra Kane might be here, but I'm still enjoying how it feels to be held by Mitch. I especially like the gentlemanly manner in which he softly lays his hand on the small of my back. It's respectful, yet kind of feels like he is subtly being territorial as well. Yes, I am liking that a lot.

"Mate, I really am sorry. I had no idea that Orla had invited her." Holding up a set of apologetic hands, Dane looks and sounds harassed. "I know they're good friends, but I didn't think that my own bloody girlfriend would be that stupid to do such a thing. This is meant to be my birthday, not hers."

Doing what all good friends do, Mitch tries to make Dane feel better. "Pal, it's fine. I'm good. Rebecca is good. Don't sweat it." Then to reassure his friend some more, he jovially pats him on the back with a smile.

"Thanks mate, that means a lot...but I'm still not happy about this." Dane is now glaring across at Orla, who now happens to be with Kendra. Both of them, are staring back at us all, no doubt having a discreet little bitchfest...their sour expressions are literally saying it all. "I hope you guys aren't planning on leaving now? I'm not letting those two ruin my night."

Even though I know that Mitch was intending on leaving just as soon as he had drank his beer, his forlorn eyes now tell me otherwise. "We aren't going anywhere for a while, are we, Rebecca?" Slipping his arm all around my waist, I know it's his way of saying he is sorry.

Warmly smiling at Mitch, then at Dane, my answer comes out so naturally. "I'm going nowhere until those cupcakes are brought out." A soft and relaxed chuckle quickly follows my unbothered reply. I'm not bothered about staying. Dane is right, this is his birthday. Just because his own girlfriend hasn't put on any adult underwear this evening, I certainly have.

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