Chapter Sixteen

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"Is that water okay?"

Whilst happily laying back against Mitch's steamily wet chest, my reply comes out all lazy and relaxed. "It's great."

Since getting back to the hotel room, Mitch has been nothing but attentive—he ran the bath, poured in the chamomile oil, lit the candles—all for us to both enjoy.

I think he's trying to compensate me for Kendra's behaviour at the party. To be honest, my inner bitch has indeed calmed down. All I now feel for Kendra Kane, is surprising pity.

How sad it is, when you've got to tell an ex that you're pregnant by him, just to get his attention? It's particularly sad, when that person already has fame, money and fans. Come on, is that really not enough?

Squeezing some warm water onto my belly with a small sponge, Mitch starts talking. "I really am sorry about tonight. It didn't turn out how I had intended it to."

My response leisurely comes. "Until Kendra, I was having a great time, and even though Orla wasn't exactly welcoming, Dane was really lovely. I think I may have also developed a little soft spot for Rory the comedian." Now laughing softly, the back of my head lies deeper against his strong shoulder while I'm happily splashing some of the bath water onto my half-submerged legs.

"Just like I do, Dane really likes you." Mitch's cheek is pressing itself against the side of my head, using all of his upper body to cuddle me with. "As for Orla, I can't see him staying with her."

I'm not interested in talking about Orla, I'm only interested in knowing that Mitch really likes me. To hear him say it from his very own mouth, has just made my insides actually flutter with silent delight. "As nice as it is to hear that Dane really likes me, I am happier to hear that you really like me."

His dripping wet forearms hug me harder. "Good."

Then we both stay quiet. Together, we just lie in the bath. Surrounded by steam and only the sensual candlelight. After the whole Kendra thing at the party, I feel like our thing has now been nudged along a little more. Mitch is being more gentle, both in his actions and with his words, while I have been more open and obvious about my deepening attraction to him. Our connection, seems to have grown stronger in just a matter of hours. Something between us, has wonderfully evolved. After all, I'm now naked in the bath with him. Tonight, is actually the first time that we have been completely naked together. It's the first time that we have bathed together. It's like Kendra and her attention-seeking games, has made us both need the comfort of more from one another. A skin-on-skin more. A body-to-body assurance. A warm and tender intimacy. We both needed it and we both freely decided to give that to one another.

Being this way with Mitch, is showing me how comfortable and natural things are between us. Usually, I hold a lot of myself back with a guy, but everything seems to perfectly flow with Mitch. With him, I feel more wanted and more respected than I have ever felt with anyone else. We just seem to balance so well. It's akin to being a part of a duet, and the harmonies of our song sounds so utterly perfect together. If I wasn't enjoying it so much, I'd probably be a little freaked out by just how well things are going.

"Is there anything you want to ask me about Kendra?" Mitch's voice quietly disturbs the peace of our warm bath, but I'm okay about that, because he's now gliding the sponge delicately all over my breasts and stomach.

Content. Relaxed. Maybe a smidgen turned on. My answer comes out of my mouth sounding very relaxed and unbothered. "No, I don't think so. If you say she's in your past, she's in your past."

Wrapping his saturated legs playfully around mine, I can almost hear the smile that I know is sitting on his face right now. "I'm glad you've said that, Rebecca. Trust is the backbone of any relationship, and after tonight, I need to know that we both have that in one another." He's now affectionately rubbing the dampness of his cheek against my own. "This isn't just a bit of fun for me, you know? I really want this to work out between us."

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