Chapter Four

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Everywhere I go, everything I happen to see or hear; people are talking about Mitch Heston—the local shop, the local news, the local radio—they're all talking about him attending the reunion.

His attending of it, has also become an overnight internet sensation. It's on Instagram. It's being tweeted all over the world. It's being shared on Facebook....yeah, it's become big, showbizzy news!

But it's Sunday, people! Don't you have some relaxing to be getting on with?

Besides, I really don't need any help being reminded of the darling from The West Country who is now one of the Hollywood elite.

Yup, it sure is hard to forget those enigmatic blue eyes of his.

And that smile that he's been so damn blessed with...yeah, that could literally charm the birds down from their trees.

Even his light brown hair, I don't have long nails—but I can imagine talon-like nails raking themselves through his mussed-up short and sexy strands. That's enough, Rebecca! Yes, it is indeed enough. Too much thinking is going on, and not enough doing.

After seeing, hearing, and thinking, more than enough about Mitch bloody Heston, I decide to go for a small run before going to mum and dad's for a Sunday roast. I don't go every week, but if I can, I like to spend some quality time with my parents. I've not lived at home since I was twenty one, and even though I may not see mum and dad as often as I would like, we do talk almost on a daily basis. It's nice to just hear their voices. I'm busy. They're busy. It's just the way it often now is. So, it'll be really nice to properly catch up with them later on.

For now, though—it's just me, the pavement, and Kygo in my ears.


I enjoyed that gentle run. It was the perfect weather for it; sunny with a cool and blowy breeze. I'm so busy these days, that I don't run like I used to, but on a weekend; I try to fit it in.

Mum thinks I'm absolutely insane to run when I'm blessed with a thin body anyway. "You're already thin, why waste your time, love? Just relax and eat some more damn biscuits." Is something she regularly says to me in motherly jest.

But it's not about trying to be thinner or anything, I know I don't need to be. It's about keeping toned with what I do have and the joy of just being out in the fresh air. My work, often keeps me inside, so I love nothing more that just being out in the great outdoors.

While I'm choosing what I'll wear to mum and dad's before having my shower, I hear my business mobile ringing beside my bed. A call on a Sunday usually only happens when something has gone wrong with one of my teams or a client; so I rush to answer it. "Hello?"

"Is that Rebecca Adams?"

"Yes, it is."

"Hi, it's Mitch Heston here, I'm so sorry to have to bother you on a Sunday, really I am."

I'll literally own the fact that my heart has stupidly just skipped to the sound of his voice, but now, I must quickly put on my sensible panties. "How did you get this number?" I ask, curious to know how he actually did get it.

His voice is light, just like his reply. "You're a professional. I'm a professional. And I have professional people, who can find other professional people." Is his cockily given explanation.

Staring into my wardrobe, now I'm more than curious to know why Mitch got his people to find my work number for him in the first place. "Okaaaaaay, that slightly is in Creepville territory for me, but why have you gone to such lengths to get in touch, Mitch?"

"I need your help, Rebecca. I'm leaving for LA later this evening, but I really could do with your help before I go?"

"I'm kind of busy, actually. I need to shower before going for lunch with my parents." I truthfully tell him.

"Please, Rebecca? I'll try not to keep you too long, I promise."

Exhaling away my uncertainty, I then ask him. "It's a computer problem, right?"

There's a small pause to his reply at first, then it comes out at speed. "Yes, that's right." Sensing that I might just say no, Mitch quickly goes on. "I'm staying at Fort Lodge, you know the place between Bisley and Oakridge?"

I know the place alright. It's where all the posh and famous people go when they're in our little part of the glorious countryside. "Yeah, I know it," I eventually say.

"Great, I'll let them know at the front desk that you'll be coming. When can I expect you?" Mitch eagerly asks me.

Knowing that I'll now need to hurry, I'm now feeling slightly flummoxed. "Within the hour?" I ask, trying to not sound flummoxed at all.

"Great, I'll see you then." Mitch cheerfully replies.

As soon as the call has ended, I feel even more flummoxed than before. Mitch's call, has flummoxed me in the most flummoxing of ways. And what gets me even more flummoxed than anything else; is because I am wondering why I am even flummoxed at all.

I kind of feel giddy, giddy with the knowledge that I'm just about to see Mitch again. But I can't be getting giddy. I'm Rebecca Adams, and she doesn't get giddy for no one.

But then again, Mitch Heston is not a no one, is he?

He's him.

Mr Mega Hollywood.

Mr I-can-charm-the-birds-down-from-the-trees-with-just-one-smile.

Even I, am shocked by how Mitch has managed to make me feel the way that I do. I'm not a romantic. I'm the no-fuss woman who prefers Shakespeare to Cosmopolitan. That whole chocolate and flowers thing, has always been totally lost on me. No, it's conversation and charisma that I've always been drawn to. Until last night, I wasn't even aware that Mitch Heston was even capable of having real conversation and real charisma, and certainly not with me...and yet, he did.

That has me feeling both curious and wary.

Curious, because I just am.

Wary, because I should be.

He's an actor, guys like him act.

Mitch could simply be playing a role with me, couldn't he?

He was horrible to me at school. That's not something I can simply erase overnight. But, I'm willing to give Mitch the benefit of the doubt.

I just hope he doesn't let me down.

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