Chapter Nine

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This thing between myself and Mitch, has been running pretty darn smoothly for nearly two weeks now. My work is stupidly busy, as per usual, while Mitch himself is preparing himself for a new lead role that's to be mostly filmed in Snake River, Idaho. It's a new action thriller, and from our Skype conversations, he is more than ready for this new and testosterone-fuelled challenge.

At the moment, Mitch and I are low-key and low maintenance. It's actually nice not having to worry about whether or not I'll have the time to see him, because he's not even in the country. Being with him, is actually easing me nicely into having a man play just a small part in my busy life right now. I pride myself on my independence and my professionalism. I pride myself on not needing a man to satisfy me both emotionally and financially. So, I'm happy with how things are evolving between us. It's uncomplicated and easy—I like that.

These two weeks, have given us personal space and time to just talk and really get to know one another more and more, without our physical chemistry getting in the way. For instance, I now know that Mitch loves to do all of his own stunts. Over the years, he has broken his nose, both of his little fingers, and the big toe on his right foot. I'm no social media whore, so I never knew that. Sure, I've got Facebook, Twitter and Instagram accounts, but I only really use them for business purposes. I don't ever trawl the Internet for hours and hours, wasting what precious free time I do have, just to keep an eye on celebrities and their lavish lifestyles and tumultuous love lives. So it's actually really nice to find out these things from Mr Celebrity himself.

It's fun finding out things about Mitch, and I'm surprisingly enjoying sharing things with him about myself, too. I'm quite a private person. Affairs of the heart, should remain just that...affairs of the heart.

And yet, with Mitch, I am opening up more.

With him, things that I wouldn't ordinarily share, so easily want to be shared with him. It seems like I am learning so much about who Mitch Heston is, but I'm also learning more about who I am as well.

That's good, right?

My mum is pee-worthy delighted. Not that she can share any of her motherly delight, as she's been sworn to secrecy about my thing with Mitch. As too, has my evermore pregnant best friend, Hetty.

Both Mitch and I have agreed that until we both know what to actually tell the world; that there's nothing to tell.

It's such early days between us. The last thing we need, is for our thing, to go public. For now, he and I are strictly being kept within our close and inner circles. Away from all of the media hounds. Away from the greedy glare of the gossipy world. I'm a confident woman, but I don't know whether even I am ready for all of that intrusion, just yet.

No, I'm liking it just being a more private us.

I'm liking it being kept on an need-to-know basis only.

It's exciting and so much more simpler this way.

"Rebecca, your mum is on line 1." Iris, my very lovely PA and my super efficient right hand woman in all things professional, informs me with a quick smile as she peeks her head around my office door. "Are you free or shall I tell her to call back later?"

Happy to have just a little break from reformatting some hard drives, I smile back to Iris. "It's fine, I'm free." As she closes my door, I cheerily take the call from my dear mum. "Hey mum, how are you?"

"I'm good, thanks love. I did just try your mobile, but it's either off or you've not got a good reception?" She casually states.

"It's charging, I just forgot to switch it back on." I happily explain to mum, eyeing my mobile from where it continues to still charge at the end of my desk. "Anyway, you okay? Is dad alright?"

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