Chapter Eight

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24 hours.

That's how long I have to decide whether I want to get involved with Mitch Heston. He will be flying back to The States tomorrow night, so I really don't have long to make that decision.

Hetty and her bump have not long left, and now Mitch is just holding me in his arms—being quiet and undemanding.

I need that.

I need him to not ask too much of me. I need to decide whether I actually want this.

His arms.

His warmth.

His humour.

Are they all things that I want more of?

Earlier on, we all shared two ham and mushroom pizza's together. We laughed and joked about how Hetty should absolutely have the last large and partially warm slice, because she had two mouths to feed and all that. We giggled over her swollen ankles and her sausage-like chubby fingers, then sympathised with her recurring and unpleasant pregnancy heartburn.

We chatted about our careers. Hands down, Mitch's career is far more glamorous than mine and H's shall ever be. He was so sweetly humble about all of his fame and his worldwide mega stardom, though, and that, put both myself and Hetty right at ease in his company. It made being with him, all the more welcome and unobtrusive. The evening ended up being light and fun, and unexpectedly so very lovely. I would catch myself simply falling quiet at times, just because I wanted to watch Mitch naturally and warmly interact with my beautiful best friend. Just like he has done with me, Mitch has totally won Hetty over. During their conversations, her brown eyes were always so attentive and friendly on him. She was relaxed in his company, unknowingly twiddling the bottom of her cute little auburn bob on the right hand side, when completely immersed in all that Mitch was jovially saying to her. I liked that.

Now, I'm liking being cuddled up on my sofa with him.

It's just deciding whether I like it enough to actually want more of it, and whether I'm prepared to take on being with the very incredible, yet very famous, Mitch Heston?

"What are you wanting from me?" With no warning, I just ask what is on my mind. I'm not the timid wallflower that I always used to be as a teen. If I want answers, I will now ask the necessary questions. Sitting higher, I'm looking Mitch right in the eye. I want his honesty. I want his truth.

Inhaling a quiet breath, he then slowly breathes away that intake of air while he's fiddling with the long lengths of my dark hair. "Truth is, Rebecca, I'm not sure yet." His words aren't said for him to come across as playing a game with me, they are said because he simply means them. "I just know that I couldn't leave things as they were. I didn't want you to become someone that I had to eventually forget." Staring at my hair, then back into my blue eyes, he gently begins to smile. "I think there's something between us that just needs some more time to discover what exactly that something is...that's why I am here."

I like his truth.

I like his honesty.

Bringing my lips to his, my light kiss is to show him how much I like and understand his candid answer. My agreeable kiss to him, is featherlight and softly sincere. "So, we are committing to nothing too heavy and nothing too full-on?"

Stroking some of my cheek and more of my hair, Mitch smiles again. "If that is what you want, Rebecca?" His palm is being so gentle, so caring against my head.

"I like this, Mitch. I like being with you. But you are you and I've got my life here, I think it's just best if we commit to something that we both feel we can comfortably accommodate...right?"

"Oh, I'm most certainly comfortable with this." Mitch suggestively grins, embracing me tighter as he does.

Lowering my chin, I'm now smiling. "All that I do ask of you is one thing?"

Lifting my chin back up with his index finger, Mitch's expression becomes a little more serious. "What are you asking of me?"

Tilting my chin slightly while it's still being affectionately balanced on Mitch's finger, I go ahead and tell him. "I just want you to always be straight with me. If you are seeing, or are wanting, to see someone else while this thing between us is running its course, then I'd like to know, Mitch. Trust and truth are what I base all of my relationships on, both professionally and personally."

Mitch is now the one to sit taller, needing to say something and needing to say it quick. "Maybe you have misunderstood me, Rebecca? You and I, will be just that, you and I. It doesn't matter whether this thing between us isn't heavy or full-on, but it's just between us. There will be no other women while I am with you and no other men while you are with me...agreed?"

Running my fingers from my one hand through his short hair, I nod with a content smile. "I agree."

Closing his eyes slightly, he seems to now be enjoying how my fingers feel within the soft depths of his light brown hair. "Good! I'm glad we've got the ground rules set." Without even bothering to open his eyes, Mitch then kisses me. It's hard yet sensuously slow. His mouth is sumptuously seducing mine, to give aroused access to the fullness of his hot tongue. This kiss, is certainly a kiss I could get very used to. It's a kiss that I shall remember, on the many days and many nights that we are to be apart. Yeah, I'm going to remember this kiss.

My body naturally lies itself down onto my sofa and Mitch's body naturally lies itself on top of mine. Our hands are leisurely exploring and touching, fondling our way around our clothed bodies. I've not been with a man for nearly three years, so my desires are all now being wonderfully awakened. This feels good, so damn deliciously good, but it also feels so lustily too soon, so amazingly too soon. "Mitch, we need to slow things down." Breathless. Aroused. Frustrated. I somehow manage to stop my desire-filled self from taking things any further with the exceedingly sexy Mitch Heston. "It's too soon."

No longer rubbing his groin against mine, Mitch stills above me, wearing nothing but a smile on his truly tantalising face. "I'm happy to just enjoy us playing with one another." His lips come closer, teasingly hovering just over mine. "I can honestly say, I have never been this excited about being with a woman. You, you excite me, Rebecca. Your smile. Your eyes. Your mind. Your body. They all have me wanting so much more of you." As his mouth softly touches my lips, it feels only like the warmest of air now caressing them. It's affectionate and blissfully wonderful. So blissfully wonderful, I actually need to close my eyes, just so I can appreciate the experience a whole lot more. But Mitch, he has something he wants to say. More firmly, his lips brush back and forth across my slightly parted mouth. "Rebecca?"

Desirously disorientated, my eyes lazily open, as if they were now intoxicated by him. "Yes?"

"Look at me?" His voice is low, so softly low.

Coming into wonderful focus, I see Mitch looking down on me. "Yes?" I ask, probably sounding just as intoxicated by him.

"I just want you to know that I'll treat you with the respect that you deserve, a respect that you never had from me when we were at school together."

Smiling, because I'm liking all of the things that he is telling me, my reply is a content one. "I know you will." And oddly, I do know. Myself and Mitch are only just getting to know one another, but I really do feel like he will do right by me. Maybe I have lost all of my Rebecca Adams common sense, on account of his amazing kisses and his groin being sexily rubbed against mine? Maybe his body and our sexual chemistry has coerced me into stupidly believing that?

But listen, I'm under no illusions here. This thing between myself and Mitch, shall more than likely end up just being a brief but very lovely liaison. But you know what? I'm all about experiencing people, places and things that make me feel good...and I sense that Mitch is going to give me all of those things in wonderful abundance.

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