Chapter Thirty Two

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Eleven Months Later.....

"Isn't he just the most adorable thing you have ever seen, Mitch?"

His smile instantly grows boyishly affectionate. "He certainly is."

"Just look at his tiny ears and his tiny little nose?" Reaching out, I can't resist stroking those tiny little ears and the nose that I have already completely fallen in love with.

"I think he really does look like an Oscar, doesn't he?" Mitch whispers, cuddling me even tighter with the arm that's lovingly draped around my shoulder.

"He does." So besottedly slips from between my thoroughly elated lips.

The sleeping little bundle of perfect joy that I'm endearingly now staring down at, is ours. We waited for the right time to have him, but he is finally ours. Our beautiful boy has at last come home. He is home, and ready to be completely adored.

That's right, myself and Mitch are now proud parents to our very own fur baby; a gorgeous black and fluffy Teacup Pomeranian.

He is quite simply, making both of our hearts pop with puppy joy.

Hang on.

Woah there.

Woah there right this minute.

You didn't just think what I think you just did, did you?

Okay, let's back up just a minute. Let's rationally rewind now, people.

You honestly didn't think that myself and Mitch were bringing home a baby baby, did you?

Oh my, I'm not yet ready for morning sickness, an expanding waistline and cravings for strange things like piccalilli and peanut butter sandwiches...nope, not quite ready for any of that.

Okay, okay!

You got me!

I did just say 'not quite ready'.

Alright, I may as well admit it, Mitch and I have both talked about wanting children in the near future. We have discussed our wanting to become parents.

Not yet.

But definitely sometime in the not too distant future.

For now, we are more than happy to share our parental role for only our cherished little pooch, Oscar. In some ways, he is going to be a practice run for eventually becoming parents. I mean, he poops and pee's, he needs food and cuddles, and will probably give us a lot of sleepless nights. Yup, in no time at all, I should be almost ready to become a fully fledged member of 'The Breast Pump and Fleece Blanket Appreciation Party'.

Motherhood and fatherhood, excitedly now awaits both myself and Mitch. It has become something that we are both now looking forward to. Becoming a mother was never something I saw myself ever wanting, but then again, I never saw myself moving to LA either.

That's right, eleven months ago, I did choose to go with Mitch.

Bottom line, I followed my heart.

It took me to LA, to be with the man who I loved more than anything in the world.

Since making that decision, our lives have been fabulously busy.

Fabulously exciting.

Mitch is in more demand than ever in his acting career, while business is most technologically booming in mine. Together, we have promised one another to find an happy and healthy balance between work and home life. Being at the helm of my own highly successful and growing company, means that I get the luxury to choose when and where I choose to run that company from. That's the beauty of owning a franchise—it will successfully run itself if you have like-minded individuals in charge of it.

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