Chapter Ten

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"Are you telling me that you've never watched any of my films?" Mitch is smiling back at me from the screen on my iPad.

"I have only watched one, with Hetty, and it was years ago...waaaaaaay before you started getting your bum out." I teasingly admit, while I'm tying up my hair into a messy top knot.

Mitch is smiling, watching me do it. Skype, really has been our saviour. It lets us see one another when we're not together. It allows us to hear one another's voice and capture our natural expressions whenever we are catching up. Yeah, I like Skype. I like it a lot.

I'm now just getting ready for Hetty's baby shower this evening and Mitch is just getting ready for a breakfast meeting with his agent. "Well, I guess your parents seeing my bum is going to make for an interesting conversation starter when I eventually do meet them?" He relaxes back on his bed, looking happy to be starting his busy morning with a quick chat with me beforehand. "You look cute with your hair up, by the way. I'm so used to seeing it down and straightened, I like seeing it all tousled and up."

In the public eye, Mitch always impeccably presents himself to the world. So to see him lying back against the headboard of his bed, wearing only some black pj bottoms and a plain white tee, makes him look captivatingly casual—handsomely casual. "I like to see you looking all undone, too." Okay, I'm totally now flirting. But that's the beauty of Skype. You can flirt. You can tease. Without the risk of actually falling into bed with one another.

"I'm really looking forward to seeing you next Saturday." His admittance is one that's so sweetly done.

"You too." I say that and truly do mean what I say. It's all rather too early in the day for our thing together for me to go as far as saying that I'm actually missing him, but I will freely admit to looking forward to the times that I do get to see Mitch.

That's not missing someone, is it?

It's merely admitting to looking forward to spending some more time with that someone, right?

Anywaaaaaaaay, my reply to Mitch was sincere. Naturally sincere.

"And you're still okay about coming with me?" Mitch asks, surprising me with just how thoughtful he is actually being.

"I'm okay with going with you, as long as you're still okay about it, too?" Is my counter question to him.

Looking completely relaxed, he grins back at me. "Of course I am. Thought I'd just check that you're still okay about going, that's all. I want you to enjoy yourself...feel comfortable amongst some of my friends."

His answer is thoughtful. Kind of sweet. Although unnecessary. "I'm a big girl, Mitch. I think I can handle a few of your friends?"

Now smiling widely, his head lowers a little. "I know you can, Rebecca. It's just that I don't ever want you to feel like you have been thrusted into something that you're not really ready for. I want you to feel happy and comfortable with how things are moving along between us."

Leaning into my screen, I give him my answer with a wide smile of my own. "I'm very happy. You'll be the first to know when I'm not, okay?"

He laughs now. "Of that, I have no doubt, Rebecca Adams. Now go and have some fun at the baby shower. Give my love to Hetty, won't you?"

Now lying on my front, I am happily holding my iPad between my hands. "I will! Enjoy your day, too!"

"I'll try and check in later, otherwise, I'll definitely talk to you tomorrow." Mitch warmly tells me.

Smiling, my fingers wriggle their sweet farewell to him. "Okay...bye."

That bye was light.

It was easy.

Cute and carefree.

Not a hint of missing you was in that bye.

Not one little hint of it.


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