Chapter Twenty Three

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Yup...things really have gotten a little crazy.

Bobby eventually released the story about Mitch and I.

He put a romantic and highly endearing spin on how myself and Mitch met one another again at the Nortonhill school reunion.

Of course, he purposely forgot to mention how as teenagers that there was never no love lost between us, because Bobby Cline was only interested in the fact that we found the beginnings of love on that strange and wonderful evening. "The press are going to lap this shit up, they really are." Is what Bobby kept telling us, excitedly so. "They'll all be clambering over this. Just you wait and see!"

So while it seems that the whole world is having fun with how Mitch and I first got together, we are just having fun being together. Hidden Hills is certainly keeping us well hidden. It's where Mitch continues to heal and where I can remain a little oblivious to what is going on beyond the affluent walls of Mitch's home. It's my parents and Iris who are mainly the ones who have been dealing with all of the current press intrusion. The media are digging, trying to find out everything about the, no longer mysterious brunette, who is now dating the great yet very injured Mitch Heston. But Mitch and Bobby have assured me that my parents and my business shall be taken very good care of. Already, I have been assigned my very own publicist. She's based in London, knows her stuff apparently, and shall now take complete control of any information that is to be given to the press about me. I am yet to meet her, but I did have a small conversation with the very confident and determined, Gina Gorseman, just the other day. "Rebecca, don't you worry about a thing. Anything, and I mean, anything, that is now given to the press about you, your family or friends, will only be given to them via me. I'll be putting a prompt stop to them harassing your parents and your PA, so for now, you needn't worry about anything other than enjoying the LA air." Is what Gina had so professionally assured me when we spoke ever so briefly.

Sooooooo, what am I doing right now? Yup, I'm enjoying that LA air.

Early October LA air to be exact. Not exactly bikini weather, but warm enough to enjoy sitting on the covered porch to take in the views of the Santa Monica Mountains that stunningly surround the house. While I sip from a mug that's filled with warm tea, I appreciate the quietness of just being here.

Here, is beautiful.

Here, is perfect.

When we first arrived at Hidden Hills, the thought that this place would be full of nothing but the rich and the famous, who all come here to just rest their elite and hugely inflated egos, had been quickly snuffed out by the sign that was the first thing I saw as we drove through the front gates of this affluent gated community: Slow down, relax. Children and horses at play. My judgemental mind-set, was quickly put to bed. I had foolishly figured that this place would have the stench of snobbery and wealth, wafting in its Californian air and settling into the walls and soft furnishings of Mitch's entire home. I had also thought, that I would feel completely out of place here. I thought, that I would feel incredibly uncomfortable here, but I'm glad to say that I was wrong.

Mitch's home, feels like a home. It has welcomed me into it. It has made me happily want to be here, to help care for its owner.

Okay, so the rich and the famous probably are our nearest neighbours, but within the walled and gated grounds of this hillside haven—it's safe and relaxing.

Which is why so many celebrities choose to reside here. Hidden Hills offers that longed-for peace, seclusion and privacy. It offers a safe and secure suburb, that's got three checkpoints and is completely enclosed within huge security fencing. That is why Mitch chose to base himself here, he needed somewhere away from the main city, away from the paparazzi and away from his fans. This home, gives him the space that he says he so often needs. None so, more than now. It has been nine days since Mitch's accident. He's getting better. Both physically and mentally. He has been behaving himself with the medical team who have been coming in twice a day to care for him, and I'm beginning to see more and more of the lighthearted Mitch that he used to be. He has had to accept that his accident has caused him to let some people down. Once he has fully recovered, he will be obligated to finish his film and then proceed to honour any future engagements he has coming up. It's just not possible for him to catch up on all of the things that he unfortunately couldn't fulfil because of his accident. After many chats with myself and Bobby, Mitch now realises that there is only one of him. There is only so much that he can do as just one person. The tv networks, the charities, the radio stations, the media corporations—they have access to many more celebrities who can all do what Mitch physically cannot.

School ReYOUnion जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें