Chapter Fifteen

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Okay, I'm now bothered.

Kendra Kane is officially getting on my nerves. For the last hour, I've been getting the sly evils from her, while Mitch is getting the cutesy smiles and the fluttery lash thing. God, it's embarrassing. Beyond annoying. And when she's not giving me the evils or being all sweetsy-tweetsy with Mitch; she's staring.

And, EVERY SINGLE BLOODY TIME (in bold print to express just how feral I am currently feeling) that I nip to the loo, or Mitch himself does, or my attention is elsewhere for just a few moments...that girl is there.

Now, I'm not the jealous type, but Kendra Kane—she's bringing out my inner bitch. I didn't even think I had an inner bitch, but after quite a few gin and tonics and the double vodka shot that I've not long downed out of sheer frustration; my inner bitch is ready to have it out with the very annoying singing dwarf.

After deciding to grab both myself and Mitch one of the rather scrummy strawberry and vanilla cupcakes, that bitchy barracuda has decided to join him and the other two actors that I left him having a fun conversation with. Like I said, beyond annoying!

"There you go." With a smile that is probably far sweeter than the buttercream icing on our cupcakes, I hand one to Mitch, completely ignoring Kendra. "Sorry guys, I should have got you both one as well?" I cheerfully say to the two acting acquaintances, still completely ignoring the pint-sized piranha.

"I've not long had a sneaky one," says the one guy with a crooked grin. "Might need to grab myself another one now." His grin now erupts into a full on smile.

"I think I'll go and get one, before greedy guts here eats them all." The other guy teases. "Shall we get you a cupcake, Kendra?"

She smiles like she has just been asked something that is completely and utterly out of the question. "No, no thank you."

Just as his teeth are about to sink into the delicious sponge and buttercream, Mitch interrupts. "Kendra doesn't touch refined sugars or carbs. The only thing she will allow herself to eat on this cupcake, is the strawberry and its paper casing." His blue eyes are full of nothing but sarcasm as he proceeds to start eating his drool-worthy dessert.

Arming herself with the same sarcasm, her response is so sickly sweet back to him. "How nice that you remembered, babe."

Babe? Did she just call him babe? My feral thoughts are now wildly scrambling around inside of my head, needing to just set themselves free to do verbal harm to the inescapable ex.

In amongst Mitch's mission to insult Kendra, the two actors make for a hasty retreat towards the desserts, while he himself happily continues to eat, and to enjoy, his strawberry and vanilla cupcake. Together, we continue eating and smiling at one another, hoping that Kendra will get the message that her company is no longer welcome around us. But you know what? That girl has a thick skin. Maybe being a singer has given her that thick skin? So, she just stands there. Sipping on her champagne, looking all pouty and pretty. She does this, until she finds an excuse to try and touch Mitch again. "Oops, you've got some cream on your cheek," she sweetly says, before reaching out to Mitch.

Jerking his head hard to avoid her touch, his brows furrow closely together. "I've got it, thanks." Then he himself, wipes the cream away with the back of his hand with just one agitated and quick swipe.

Okay, my inner bitch has most definitely had enough.

I've had gin.

A double vodka shot.

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