Chapter 1

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"What's the plan for summer?" Matt, the tall freckled ginger, asked enthusiastically. He wore his signature summer get up: a purple t-shirt and some basket-ball shorts.
"I'm going to draw and stuff." Edd, the brunet, replied nonchalant while continuing to walk with the other two down the high school's hall. He wore a "SMEG HEAD" shirt and some jeans.
"I'm going to find a job. I need the money to buy a bass." Tom announced. He had spiky brown hair and black holes for eyes. He had a blue-collar shirt on with black jeans and checker shoes.

"Wait- really?" Edd turned to Tom, suddenly excited.

"Uh, yeah?"

"Dude! A job as a lifeguard at the public pool opened up not too long ago and-"

"Wasn't those two seniors Kim and Katya working there?" Matt interrupted, wanting to be a part of the conversation.

Edd turned to him quickly. "They got fired! The boss found them boning in a supply closet and now the job is available!"

"Edd you are a little too excited about that-"

"With the school year ending soon, Tom can be the perfect hookup for summer-long pool time!"

"Great idea, Edd!" Matt and Edd high-fived.

"What?! Why do I have to do it?!" Tom exclaimed.

"I'm not a good swimmer and neither is Matt. Also, you want a job, not us."

Tom groaned. "I'll look into it."


That's it. The last suitcase is now in the red van's trunk.

"Tord, let's go! He's expecting us to be there today!"

"Okay, one second!" Tord yelled out, slamming the trunk closed.

He looked back at the front of his small house, taking in as much as he could in that single moment.

He knew he'd see his home again, he always does, but every time it feels like it is being taken from him.

Tord has caramel brown hair that stuck up in two spikes (it runs in the family) and silver eyes. He looked like his mother, gaining her hair shape and eyes, but had his father's stance, voice, and hair color.

Opening the passenger seat, he jumped in the car.

Every summer since Tord was ten he visits his dad. His parents had been divorced for 7 years, and now this was just natural.
Tord's dad lives in another state, giving him and his mother a 5-hour drive there. It's even better now that Tord can drive, too. Especially when he ends up driving almost all of it. 

This was going to be his last trip before he would graduate high school. . . He would make sure to talk to his parents every now and then after graduation.

This will be a summer to remember. 

Pool Prison (TomTord)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora