Chapter 20

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(Headcanon: MARK IS THICC. And when I say THICC I mean he got muscle boi hours for DAYS. Say what you want, but. . . Mark is one thicc bitch.)

With a subtle click, the stall door was locked close. 
Susan set down on the toilet's lid, stuffing her face into her hands. With that, the soft sobs escaped her.

She had been so persistent, letting her hopes get so high, only for those words to hurt her so much. She really believed that she could be with Tom again. But. . . it only took one person, a boy she didn't even know, to shatter her.

She cried, before wiping her puffy eyes and walking out of the stall to do her makeup again.
Whoever this 'Tord' is, he better treat Tom right. He will never break Tom's heart, or Susan will come after him.
But. . . Maybe if that does ever happen. . . She would get Tom back. . .

Okay. This is getting weird. 
"Can I. . . Sit next to you?"
Tord froze. Did someone just ask to sit next to him at lunch? That never happened- and of all people its Jon? The kid who was shaking a few hours earlier at Tord's sight?

"I. . Uh. . . Guess so. . ." Tord stuttered, scooting over in his seat. Jon sat to the right of him, awkwardly taking out his lunchbox.
Lunch had always been sitting in the corner and refusing eye contact for Tord. Now, some small nervous teen was sitting next to him. Jon was a senior in high school, yet he looked like he was a freshman. 

Tord looked up, noticing Mark and Eduardo sitting at the lunch table across from them, their backs turned with a somber demeanor.

"*ahem* Do you mind telling me what you guys are fighting about?" Tord realized that was way too straightforward and can-you-leave-soon of a question. Oops.
"I mean- uh-"

Jon shifted before sighing.
"Eduardo likes this girl Laurel. I got kind of mad because I thought me and Eduardo had something. . . Eduardo got even madder at me for thinking like that and took Mark." Jon said simply, unwrapping a sandwich.

Tord's eyes went wide.
"Oh. . . Uhm. . . Allright. . . ."

"Now it's your turn to tell me something." 

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know. . . I told you about my fight. . . Tell me about your fights."

Dang. Jon cut straight to the chase, huh?

"I mostly started beating kids up because they were bullying me I guess. . ."

Tord and Jon ate in a uncomfortable silence, this conversation ending quickly and personally.

"Hey, I'm sorry. . . It wasn't my place to ask about your issues." Tord said, setting his lunch down.

"Ahehe, it's fine. I guess I kinda wanted to talk about it. I mean, it happened this morning." Jon un-tensed. "Hey, do you mind if I talk to you more often? You're a lot cooler than what people make you out to be."

"Uh s-sure!" Tord nodded. Then like that, lunch was over.

Tord made his way to his next class, his mind unclear whether he had gotten a friend or not.

Tom slumped on his bed groaning. That was only the first day of another awfully boring year. It was only the first day but he already made Susan cry, miss Tord, and looked forward to when this was all over.
Tord wouldn't be out of school for another two hours either. Tom begins to wonder how he is doing. . . Did he get in another fight? Or maybe he just was alone all day? Was today a bad day for him? Maybe nothing happened and Tom is just worrying over nothing.

Tom gripped his bass, tuning it. That would rest his mind.


Tom grabbed his phone immediately, only to see it was a text from Edd. What a let down, amiright?

"Edd: Hey Tom. Could I borrow some money? I am supposed to be in charge of me and Matt's date but I am super broke."

Tom rolled his eyes.

"Tom: No."

"Edd: I'll draw you some Tord :)))"

"Tom: Stop."

"Edd: you suck"

Tom turned off his phone.

The door creaked open, Tord walking into his home.
He looked up to see his mom at the counter, searching the drawers.

"Mom? Why are you here?"

She looked with her tired eyes, before shaking her head.

"I think I ran out of my medication. I was just double-checking to see if I had misplaced a pen that I was going to write a note to you with-"

"Mom, you could have texted me."

Andrea paused.

Tord chuckled before placing his backpack down.
"Mom, I think you are getting loopy. I'll drive you to the pharmacy."

Andrea sighed.
"Okay. Just let me get a few things. . ."

As Andrea left the room, Tord pulled out his phone. He went to Tom's contact and typed "I think I made a new friend."
Before he could press send, he got a message.

"Tom: How was your first day?"
How convenient, he was just going to tell him.
Tord smiled, pressing the send.

"WHAT?!!!" Tom screamed.
He must've read the text 1,000 times before seeing another blue box pop up on the screen.
"His name is Jon. He had a fight with a guy he had a crush on and now he is hanging out with me. That's kinda neat, right?"
Oh, so on the contrary. Tom was in a full white rage by hearing this.

(ehehehehe im sorryyyyyyy)

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