Chapter 7

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"If he can beat you in a swim race, will you let him out?"

Tom didn't respond right away. He looked at the pool's inmate (who was surprised by the question as well.) and then back to Patryck.

"I don't think my boss will let me, but. . ."
Tom jumped off the chair and walked to the prison.
"How much do you want this?"

Tord shrugged. "I'm gonna be here all summer, it doesn't really matter."
That wasn't really the answer Tom wanted to hear, because he wanted to see if he could hang out with Horn-Hair.

"Okay then. Well-"


"Oh, one second."
Tom pulled out his phone and saw he had his 'break' right now.
He unlocked the prison for Tord to get out, but Patryck stopped him before he could go to the staff room.

"What about after closing hours? Around ten? Tord hasn't been himself lately and this may help him-"
"Patryck let's go!" Horn-Hair, or now Tord, said as he motioned to the moderate end.
Patryck looked at Tom with a desperate look hidden in his eyes. Tom spotted the desperation quickly.
Tom sighed. "I'll see you at ten."

Tom walked into the faculty room, and the other lifeguard on shift for the next two hours walked out.
He slumped into a chair and took a deep breathe. First day and he is already promised something he may get fired for.

He pulled out his lunch box from the staff lockers and grimaced. 
Thank god no one is in here.
He sat back down and opened the lunchbox.

"Tomee bear?! How the hell did my mom find this?!" Tom yelled to himself, before stuffing the bear he found in his lunch in the locker so no one could find it.
(Yes, there was a whole ass sequence to reveal a stupid stuffed Easter egg. Deal with it.) 

Tord rolled around in his bed.
Why the hell would Patryck set up something like that? He wasn't that fast of a swimmer. Jesus, he had never even been on a swim-team!
He pulled out his phone. It's 9:46 PM, great. This is going to suck sooo much-

Daichi wo fumishimete kimi wa mezameteiku Tenshi no hohoemi de tsuredashite-

"Oh shit!" Tord fumbled with his phone, blasting the ringtone, until he could answer it.
(If you can guess the ringtone I will follow you.)

"Tord! Everyone is headed to the pool. Get your ass over here!" Patryck yelled on the other line.

"God damn Pat! I don't want to do this!"

"Don't be a pussy, Tord! Just freaking do it!" Patryck hung up, and Tord knew he would kill him if he didn't show.
Swallowing all of his dignity, he put on the swimsuit and walked to the pool.

"Why are we here?!" Matt whined.
"Because we have to be Tom's support! If he fails miserably, we can totally use this for our benefit." Edd replied, waiting at the front of the pool entrance with Matt.
"True, true. . . When is Tom and his mystery contender getting here?"
"Mystery contender?"

Edd and Matt turned around to see Paul and Patryck in their street clothes. (Yuu couldn't make it.)
"I'm Paul and this is Patryck. We are Tord's friends. Are you with the lifeguard guy?" He asked. 

"You mean Tom? He should be here-"
"I'm Edd and this Matt. And yes, we are with him." Edd nudged Matt's side. "Don't be a dick, Matt!"

"What are you talking about-"
"Guys! What's going on?!"

They all turned around to see Tom, keys to unlock the pool in his hand.
"Oh hey, Tom right?" Paul said.
"Y-Yeah I'm Tom. Are you friends with the other guy?"
"Yeah. This is Patryck, we're pretty much Tord's guardians after all we have done for him." Paul bragged.

"No you're not."
They jumped up to see another *shocking* reveal.
It was Tord! No one ever saw that coming.

"Uhm. . . I'm Tord."
Tord stuck his hand out to Tom.
"And I'm Tom. Nice to meet and possibly beat you."
Tom took Tord's hand and shook it.

"All right! Time to see the race of all races!" Paul, Matt, and Edd cheered. Patryck just nodded to the fence for Tom to unlock it.

Tom and Tord stood on the edge of the shallow end, ready to jump in at any second.
"Okay! It's from here to the deep end edge and back! Whoever touches this side of the pool first- wins! If Tord wins, he gets no pool prison time this whole month! Is he looses, Tom gets to land Tord in prison for an hour and Tord has to buy him icecream."

"Wait, we never decided that-"

"On your marks, get set, go!!"

Leaping off the edge of the pool, they dived into the water. Their arms looked as if they were climbing the water's face, splashing into the water only to return to the air milliseconds later, and doing it all again. Their legs propelled them forward as their competitive spirit rose higher and higher.

"Go Tom go!"

"Tord!! Beat his ass!"

Tom or Tord couldn't focus on where the other was- because all they cared about was reaching the end.

"Damn! Tord is actually really fast!" Edd exclaimed.
"But Tom is a lifeguard, he should be faster!" Matt said, starting to worry.
"I can't even tell which is in front!" Paul admitted.
"Right now it's Tord. But he struggles with turning around, and they are making it to the edge of the deep end, and they'll have to cross the moderate and shallow again." Patryck noted. 

They both reached the edge of the moderate end, and only by a second did Tom turn around quicker.

"You can do it Tord! Go faster!"

"Let's go Tom!"

They started to quicken their paces, reaching the end of the shallow end.


"Yes! Tom, you won!!" Edd and Matt yelled as he bolted up from the water, Tord following immediately after.

"Aw, what?! Tord, you lost!" Paul yelled.

"Oh damn, really?! haha, I guess so." Tord laughed. He turned to Tom and patted him on the back.

"I guess I'll get you that icecream." He smiled.

"Erm, let's do that later-"


"Holyshitwhatwasthat" Matt squealed, grabbing onto Edd.

"Calm down, it was the wind. But we should get out of here before we get caught and Tom loses his job." Edd pointed out.

And before long, the pool was locked and everyone was home.

And Tord still owed Tom his icecream.

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