Chapter 24

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Tord was nervous as hell, sweating bullets and feeling the sinking hole of anxiety in his chest.
Jon still sat next to him in first period. He was looking to the side, away from Tord, thinking over everything.

Tord. . . Why does he not like Jon back? They got along just fine. . . Maybe things were moving too quickly? Does Tord not feel bad breaking things off so soon?

Wait. Why does Jon even care? After all, he was lying to Tord from the very beginning! 
Maybe Jon. . . Likes Tor-

Jon shook his heated face. No! He likes Mark!

Mark. Yeah. Not in a million years would Jon like Tord.

"Okay class, today we will-"
"Oh, one second." The teacher said, picking up the phone.

Jon looked over at Tord softly, noticing Tord immediately avert his anxious glance.

Jon coughed. 
"W-We're still friends, right?" He asked.

Tord nodded. "O-Of coURse!" He squeaked. 

The teacher gasped. The students turned to her as she nodded and sputtered a "U-Understood."

She quickly hung up and turned to the class.


Tord turned to the teacher. "Yes?"

"Pack your things. And go to the office."

Tord nodded. How many times he heard a teacher say that, he couldn't count. He was probably set up for nothing, framed for a hit he didn't commit. Oh well.

Tom couldn't bother to hear what the teacher was blabbing on about. He was thinking of Tord, and if he was okay. All Tom wanted to do was get a ticket to Tord and hug him and kiss him and marry him and have 10 million babies with him. And beat the shit outta Jon. That's his dream.

"Tooom?? Earth to Tom?" The teacher said, waving his hand in front of Tom's face.

"Wah! WhAt?!"

"The bell rang two minutes ago. You have to get outta here."

"OOOHFF" Tom darted up, stuffed everything in his bag, and rushed to the next class.

The teacher shook his head as Tom ran.

"Tord, you may take a seat." The secretary, Ms. Grandmado, said.
She had perfect gray hair in a neat bun, with circular red glasses. She was a sweet old lady, probably nearing her 60's. Tord had grown to see her almost every month. She had seen him in his weakest moments, the moments after Tord hurt himself.

"I haven't done anything wrong for a while now, Ms. Grandmado. I don't know what I was set up for but, I didn't do it." Tord started.

The old woman sighed. She turned to Tord somberly, a small frown riddled with wrinkles feeling out of place with her usual happy and sweet demeanor.  

Tord was taken aback. He had never seen that frown. . . It was. . .

It made him feel sick.

"Wha. . . What is it?" He asked desperately.

"Tord. . . Andrea, your mother, was in a car accident. She passed 10 minutes ago."

"Eddddddddddddd. . . . I don't know what to dooooooooooooo" Tom cried, Edd scoffing.

"Dude. We are in the middle of class, get your SHIT together." He whisper/yelled.

Tom groaned. Matt giggled.
Susan watched from the back of the class, feeling a little less attached to Tom's upset.

It was about time she had accepted this defeat. Tom was not getting back with her anytime soon. Possibly ever.

She sighed. Why does it feel like someone else is also feeling this way?

"What?" Tord asked. "I'm confused."

Ms. Grandmado's face scrunched in pain. Her eyes glossed over.

"Tord. . .  Yes you do. . ."

"Nno I dont!" He shouted. His hands rushed to his hair, gripping hard. "I DOnT GET iT!!"

Ms. Grandmado turned away, covering her mouth. She couldn't look at the boy.

Tord refused to let any tears out. He ran out the office and into the parking lot.

He pulled out his phone and called his mom.

She didn't pick up.

"HAAH, ITs A jOkE!" Tord dialed again.

She didn't pick up.

Tears rolled out from his silver eyes, like a crash hitting him with the force of 1,000 pounds.

"THIS ISN'T FUNNY!!" He screeched. He fell to the ground, shaking. Tears dripped on the road below him as he quivered.

"This isn't. . .  funny. . ."

(Lol, short chapter gang where you at)

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