Chapter 13

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Tom set down on a chair in the faculty room, taking out his phone. He went to the group text Paul made weeks before.

"Tom: Yo, why weren't you guys at the pool today?"

"Paul: Tord's sick. We wouldn't be able to get free access anyway, since his membership ended yesterday."

"Edd: What is he sick with again?"

"Paul: Dunno. He just barfed 3 days ago and now he's staying at home."

"Tord: I'll be better the 4th, now stop spamming."

"Edd: Do you guys want to meet with us at the beach for July 4th? That's what we usually do every year."

Tom bit his lip. Edd was way too quick to invite them. But, Tom would be the third wheel now that Edd and Matt were dating. If Tord came, then. . .

"Yuu: I wouldn't be able to come. Hanging with the cousins."

"Patryck: I'm down to come to the beach then."

"Paul: Yeah, we don't usually do anything on the 4th so this'll be cool"

"Tord: Looks like I'm coming too then -_-"

Tom pumped his fist, and then went home for the day, since it was the end of his shift.

He laid awake in his checkered bed, thinking of what would happen 2 days from now.

God damn it, he really does have a crush on Tord. . .

But. . . What does that even mean?

He likes guys now? But he had a girlfriend And he really loved her. 
And he's only known Tord for a month. Does he really love him?

Tom sighed, growing tired with all of these confusing feelings.

The next day went by like usual. Tom woke up, did his morning routine, worked his shift with Susan being an annoying flirt, went home, and dreamed of his bass. 

He checked his phone, and the plans for the 4th of July have been set in stone.

At 7 pm they would meet at the beach and watch the fireworks. Maybe set off a few in a abandoned lot, who knows.

Today was the 4th. The pool was open from 8 am to 6 pm, and Tom volunteered to take the shift for the extra cash, and so did Susan. Which is just so freaking wonderful, because she is everywhere. 

"Toom! There is soooo many people here todayy! Want to grab dinner after this? My treat." Susan seemed to be on rapid-fire with the throwing herself at Tom today.

"Susan, I have plans. Leave me alone."

"Oh! Can I join you?~"

"No! Jesus, do your job."

Susan pouted, and left the faculty room for her chair.

Tom finished getting ready, and went on with his shift.

Finally, that shift is over. Why is 4th of July so stocked with people at the pool? Jeez. . .

Tom felt relieved, but that soon turned into anxiety. He only has an hour to get ready- He has to go-

"Tooooom! Wait up!"

"Not now Susan! I have to go!"

Tom was wildly getting ready to leave, Susan watched in her own annoyance.

Pool Prison (TomTord)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin