Chapter 23

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Tord ran his fingers through his hair. He had been laying down in his bed for hours, and apparently that isn't helping his aching back. Thank god he was prepared, or who knows what hell he'd be going through right now.

Tord didn't expect anything to go like it did yesterday. He really thought they'd be playing video games until his mom yelled at him to come home. Not Jon secretly having a crush on him, kissing him, and Tord being so scared of losing a friend that he there with him. (And, yes, it was Dom Jon. Deal with it.)

After that, Tord got a ride home and passed out on his bed. He felt awful.

Tord rolled around on his other side, groaning in the process.

He picked up his phone off the nightstand and turned it on, the light from the screen blinding him.
It was 5:24 AM. Great, like Tord couldn't sleep already.

His eyes were crisped dry, and his throat sore from dehydration.
He feels completely like shit. He wants to cry, but to who? Well, who else would he go to besides his night in shining blue. The boy who made him so at ease, even if he had only met him a couple of months before.

Tord clicked on Tom's contact, aware he wouldn't answer, and began to type.

"Hey something happened, can I talk to you about it-"

Tord spammed the 'delete'. That didn't sound right at all.

"Hey, I know you won't answer but-"

Tord scoffed, 'delete'.

Tord took a deep breathe. It doesn't matter, just. . . Just write something god damn it!

Tom hicked, waking up to see his phone-screen lit up.
He looked at the time.
"5:32 AM? Who the hell is- AAA ITS TORD!!!" He dropped his phone on the floor and scrambled to get it.

He clicked on the text immediately and-

"Tord: Jon told me he likes me. And kissed me. And other shit. I feel awful"

That doesn't sound right, maybe Tom should read it again.

"'likes me'"

? No?

"'kissed me.'"

Not sure that's correct.

"'I feel awful.'"

Tom really, really hates Jon.

"Tom: Why do you feel awful? What else happened?"

Tord choked on his own gasp. Why did Tom respond? It's 5 AM!

Tord could feel the rumble of his own guilt and upset rise until it consumed him. He wailed out, his shaky and unstable hands gripping harder onto the phone.

Why was Tom so nice to him? Why does he even care? And why does Tord want to tell him everything, why does he want to cling onto to Tom like it would be his last time ever seeing him?

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