Chapter 29

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Tom's eyes drifted open, to see Yuu's foot in his face.

"Aw, what the hell?" Tom pried the thing off of him as he sat up.

He rubbed his head as he looked around the hotel room.
The band only rented one room and two beds for a week.

Edd and Matt slept on the bed next to the door, snuggling up to each other.
Tom and Yuu shared the bed on the further side of the room, Tom wanting to throw Yuu off almost every second.
Susan slept on an air mattress on the floor. Tom found it fitting.

Tom groaned, getting up to make himself coffee.

He walked into the small kitchen and got himself a paper cup.

Working the coffee machine, he let his mind wander.

He always ended up thinking of completely random things that didn't make sense in the situation, and today was no exception.

"Say Tom~" Paul cooed, holding his two year old son in his arms.

Tom smiled at the newly adopted boy, he had curly dish-water blonde hair and dark brown eyes, almost like almonds pressed upon pale skin.

"Tahm!" Antoni squealed, Tom's smile growing with warmth. The small baby wrapped its fingers around Tom's pointer, giggling.

That was a year ago. The little Antoni was three now, nearing four.
Paul and Patryck absolutely love him, and he is like a nephew to Tom.

"UuuUUGh" He heard a groan from the main room, and steps toward him.

"Heyyy Tom." It was Susan. She wrapped her arms around Tom. "Could you make me some coffee?"

He shook her off, grumbling. "No."

She whined and grabbed her own cup.

"Today is our last day here until were on the road, right? Should we visit that restaurant again? It's the only decent place here."

Tom shrugged.
"I guess so."

Tord wiped the table down, the restaurant was mostly empty. It wasn't as popular during breakfast since most of their dishes were lunch and dinner types.

The table next to Tord in his section sat a woman.

He glanced at her before sighing.

He walked over to her, tapping the table slightly with his knuckle.

"Morning Nora."

She looked up, her round eyes glistening.
Nora had grown well, her hair reaching mid back and her cheeks still plump and flushed. She was now 28, Tord 23

"Good morning Tord!" She said, her cheery voice sounding more ecstatic than usual. She was on the verge of tears.

He sat down across from her, the concern obvious in his face.
"What's up?"

She laughed, displaying small jazz hands.
"I'm pregnant!" She breathed.

Tord's eyes went wide.
"R-Really? It worked?"

"Yes!" She gushed. "Me and Carter are having a kid!"

Tord ran up to Nora and hugged her. This was something they had been waiting for.

Carter was a good guy. He had sandy blonde hair and pale green eyes. His skin was a milky white, and he complimented Nora almost perfectly.

Tord met him a few months after moving in with Nora, and next thing he knew they were married and on their way to childbirth.

They pulled away, Nora's bright smile had been so bright, even if she was crying.

"Congratulations!" He chuckled.

It was in the middle of the day and the band was playing at a restaurant. In all honesty, the only popularity this band had was with the small group of people who liked small-time bands.
(It's like a Sex Bob-omb sorta thing only with covers. Ik Ik, very inaccurate for them to be popular.)

After the show they had packed their equipment and went to the hotel. They just kind of hung out and did their own thing until it was later that night.

"Let's go back to Fun Dead. They had really legit burgers." Susan suggested, setting down in the backseat while slipping on her purse.

"Sure, why not." Yuu agreed, as he was on driving duty.

They drove to Fun Dead Cookin', all fairly tired from that week.

"Hi, table of five please?" Matt asked, the rest of the group behind him.

"Of course. This way please." The woman walked them over to a booth table, one of their nicer seats.

"Thank you." They all settled in their seats, Tom on the far end, Susan facing him on the other.

"Do you see those people over there?" Laurel pointed to the table with the 'EDD HEADS' and Tord nodded, not actually seeing them.

"Do you mind if I serve them tonight? Me and my friend saw them perform yesterday and they were actually very good. Please? Pretty please?"

"Ugh, fine." Tord rolled his eyes, and walked out to another table he was serving.

Tom picked at his food, losing his appetite.

"What's wrong Tom?" Edd asked, taking a sip of his Cola.

"Eh, idk. Guess I'm just not really into it tonight."

Susan nodded.
"Makes sense. You just want this tour to be over?"

"I guess so."

Susan sighed.
"Gotta go the bathroom. Be right back." She got up from her edge of the booth and walked to the woman's bathroom behind her.

She stepped in the room, noticing how nice it was.

She laughed to herself. "If only I cried in one of these."

Tord set down the disk, carefully placing the drinks on the table.

"Thank you." the customers said.

He was serving a group of fine people very close to the bathrooms.

The caramel-haired man asked for their orders, noticing the woman's bathroom door open.

He turned around to walk away, noticing the woman dropped her purse.

Tord picked it up and followed the woman, seeing her odd checkered hair.

Placing a hand on her shoulder, she turned around.

"Excuse me ma'am. You dropped your bag." He held out the purse to Susan and she took it.

"Thanks." She said, before sitting down on her seat that was conveniently right there.

When she sat down, he saw the person sitting across from her. 

He had spiky brown hair, toned skin, nice blue clothing, and perfectly pitch black eyes. A couple of piercings as well. He was picking at his pasta.

Tord dropped the disk, it rolling away on the floor.

They all looked up at Tord's shocked expression.


Tom stopped, the color in his face washing away.


(WHEEZE this chapter is actually awful. But hey, at least I didn't to torture you all with filler.)

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