Chapter 17

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Tom's eyelids felt heavy, weighing down on his tired eyes. He didn't mind. After all, he was waiting. Waiting for Tord. Well, waiting for Tord's father to come home, but he was waiting for him because of Tord.

Edd and Matt were right. He has fallen hard. Fallen in love with Tord, the love of his life, the boy who was leaving in a day or so.

Tom scoffed. What would he know? He was only a dumb 16 year old. . .
All he knew about Tord was seemingly nothing. What was it about the last month that would change anything between them? After this, Tord would leave and Tom would probably never see him again.

But. . . He wants to try.
Try really hard. Try as much as he can to be with Tord.

It would just take some waiting. . .

Tom's fingers tapped along his knee, hunching over in tire. It's late. . . Maybe 1 AM? 2 AM? When is his dad going to walk through that door?
Even if he has to wait till next week, he'll do it. 

Creak. . .

Jakob slipped open the door, groggy.
He took of his jacket and placed it on the rack.
He turned to face the living room to see-

Is that. . . Wait a second. . .
Why is he seeing a teenage boy with black eyes in his living room?!

"ah. . . Uhm. . ." Jakob wasn't one to jump to conclusions, but he also the type to get loopy at 4 AM. "A-Are you a ghost?"

Tom jolted up from his tired trance.
"No. I'm not."

"Then. . .  W-What are you doing in my house, uh, punk?" He stuttered, slowly realizing this could be a robber.

"I'm here to help Tord, I'm his friend. . ." Tom said, his voice at a slower pace than usual.

"Well, then, what's your name?" He asked with doubt.


"Oh, yeah, Tord talks about you a lot." Jakob said, relaxing as he put his he continued to the kitchen. He poured two glasses of water, handing one to Tom.

"Why does Tord need your help this late at night?"

Tom then explained all he understood to him, Jakob's expression turning sour.

"I. . . I see. . . When Tord wakes up I'll explain to him what happened." He said in a somber tone. "Now, go home before your parents file a missing persons report."

Tom nodded. He called his mom beforehand that he was staying with a friend, but now he was coming back. That should be fun.

Tord fumbled with the jacket's sleeve. He had managed to forget to give Tom his jacket, cry like a baby in front of him, and confirm it was all a fluke. Tord's dad was not taking drugs again, those pills were for a cough. Jakob was helping his pal go through a rough time, and that's why he came home at 4 AM.

Now Tord has to call Tom and explain it. That's embarrassing. 

-Time skip because I can- 


Tord smiled. Can you believe he got here only a month and a few weeks ago? It felt like 2 seconds had gone by since he took out these same suitcases.
He turned back to see Paul, Patryck, Yuu, Edd, Matt, and Tom behind him.
He gave them each a hug and a "Goodbye."

Tom swallowed his nervous and uttered a "I-I'll call you!"

Red tinted the corners of Tord's cheeks as his bigger-than-this-world grin said "You better."

"Tord! Are you almost done?" His father called this time.

"No! Not yet!" He called back, handing Tom his jacket.
"Thanks for letting me borrow this."
"Uhm, no problem!" Tom reluctantly took the jacket.

Tord nodded to them. "I'll be waiting." small happy tears rose to clog up his sight, but they weren't nearly enough to make him cry.
But of course, Paul and Patryck balled to see their 'son' leave them so soon.

They all watched as Tord climbed into the passenger seat, driving away from their sight.
Tom's gut twisted, but he knew he was going to see Tord again. He had to.

Patryck took a swift punch to Tom's shoulder.


"You could've made your move. My Tord deserves a man who will take a chance-"

"PaTrYcK ThIS iS A VeRy EmOTioNal MoMenT fOr Us AlL CaLM DoWn." Paul nagged, his voice shaky.

"Don't worry Tom." Edd said, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Me and Matt will invite Tord to our wedding so you can see him."

"E-Edd!!" Matt glowed.

Next thing Tom knew, he was texting Tord 24/7. 
And sometimes he regrets not kissing Tord, but. . . He will have the chance one day.

(Yes, I know this chapter is smaller than my tolerance for subtom, but just freaking take it. And uh, I'll let ya all in a little special somethin' somethin'.  No, the story is not over, and yes, they will kiss at one point. bUT JuSt WaIT fOR iT.)

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