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"He's here," I shrieked as I ran back to join Wyatt on the couch. We kept a little bit of distance between us, so nothing seemed suspicious. Not before long, Grayson came strolling though the front door and dumped his stuff on the ground.

"Hey man!" Wyatt greeted him with a bro hug.

"Thank you for staying here with Kennedy." He thanked Wyatt before he looked at me, "No offense, but I still don't want to leave you here alone when you are sick."

"None taken," I shrugged.

"I have something to tell you man," Wyatt confessed to Grayson. This was really happening. I never thought the day would come when I would finally tell my brother that I was dating his best friend.

"What is it?" Gray asked, concern dripping from his voice.

"It's nothing bad, it's actually good," Wyatt started, "I got a girlfriend," he chuckled.

"A girlfriend? Seriously?" Grayson asked excitedly.

"Yeah, she is amazing and sweet and kind and beautiful," He started. I felt my cheeks starting to get hot.

"Who is she?" Grayson asked.

"She's right next to me?" Wyatt stated, but it seemed to come out as more of a question. Confusion washed over Grayson's face as he tried to put the puzzle pieces together.

"You're dating my sister?" He asked in a surprised tone.

"Please don't be mad Gray. We've wanted to tell you for a while, but no time was ever the right time," I added in.

"How long have you two been seeing each other?" He asked, he still seemed more confused then angry.

"Two months," Wyatt mumbled.

"Two months?" Grayson asked, rather loudly. "Was Wyatt in your room at the party last Friday?" I nodded.

"Please tell me you to haven't f-" Gray started, but I quickly cut him off.

"No!" I yelled quickly. Grayson raised an eyebrow at me and Wyatt put his hand on my knee.

"You better not hurt her," Grayson threatened Wyatt.

Wyatt grabbed my hand. "I would never hurt her in a million years," He confessed.

"I just have in request, please don't do the deed when I am right down the hallway," Gray shuttered before standing up and walking up to his bedroom. I let out a sigh of relief and leaned into Wyatt.

"Too late for that," I muttered before closing my eyes. I felt Wyatt chuckle as he laid a blanket over my body. I snuggled into his closer before I let sleep overcome my whole body.


I felt somebody give me a little shake and I sat up.

"Arden and Hailey are outside. I'm going to head upstairs to see your brother," Wyatt whispered before giving me a peck on the lips and racing up the stairs. I stretched and stood up before heading to my front door and opening it.

"Hey guys!" I smiled.

"Hey love, we just wanted to swing by and make sure you're okay," Arden smiled.

"And we brought you this!" Hailey squealed as she hanged me a shopping bag full of snacks.

"Do you guys want to come in?" I asked them.

"No, we are heading to my boyfriend's house for a double date," Arden smiled.

"Alright, have fun. I love you both and I will see you tomorrow at school and then it's sleepover time!" I smiled as I blew kisses at them.

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