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"Good morning princess," Wyatt whispered in my ear. I groaned before burying my face deeper into my pillow. "Aren't you excited? It's Christmas!"

"I would be more excited if I was able to sleep well last night. First I couldn't fall asleep and then I couldn't stay asleep," I mumbled. It had taken me an hour to fall asleep and after that, I had been waking up every half hour for reasons that were beyond me. While being pregnant was cool and all, I also just wanted my beauty sleep.

"I'm sorry." Wyatt whispered, pulled my closer to him and kissing my head.

"You should be, it's your fault I'm pregnant," I joked.

"Hey, must I remind you that it takes two to tango?" Wyatt smirked.

"Oh shut up. Now let's go open some presents," I commanded. I pushed his arm off of me before sitting up and stretching. My bump peaked out from under my top and I glanced down at it.

"I don't know if I'll be able to hide this much longer," I informed Wyatt.

"Whenever you're ready to tell people, I'll be ready," Wyatt promised. I leaned over to give him a kiss before standing up. I went over to my dresser and pulled a sweatshirt out of the drawer and over my head.

"You ready?" I asked. Wyatt nodded and followed me out the door. We made our way down the stairs to find my Mom on the couch with coffee in her hand and a blanket over her lap, a tree overflowing with presents, and my brother texting somebody.

I found out who my brother was texting when I heard my phone go off. The text read:

Hurry up loser

"Really Gray?" I asked as we entered the living room.

"You were taking forever!" He groaned.

"I didn't sleep well at all last night. Being pregnant isn't all fun and games," I informed him as I crossed my arms over my chest.

My brother opened his mouth, like he was about to respond, but my mother beat him to talking.

"Don't forget Gray, your sister is the only one allowed to act like a bitch," Mom reminded my brother, pointing a finger in his direction.

"Whatever," Grayson huffed at the same time as I said, laughing, "Thanks Mom!"

"On that note, how about we start opening some presents," Mom smiled. We all agreed and I grabbed the first present, since I was the "youngest". Grayson always loved to brag that he was older than me, except at Christmas because I got to open my presents before him.

"Okay, this one is from Mom," I announced before ripping the wrapping paper off of the box. I pulled out an oversized hoodie from one of my favorite YouTubers merch lines. "Thank you Mom! I love it so much!" I squealed, burying my face into the sweatshirt.

"Be quiet! It's my turn!" Grayson shushed me before grabbing a box with his name written on it. "It's from Wyatt." He tore open the package and found new baseballs and a new mitt.

"Thanks man! I really needed a new glove," Grayson thanked Wyatt.

"You're welcome Gray," Wyatt responded as he picked up his own box, I could tell from the wrapping paper that it was one of the gifts that I got him. He opened it up and inside was a shirt that said 'does this shirt give me a dad bod?' and a hat that said 'the cool parent'.

"Thanks Ken," Wyatt thanked me, leaning over to press a kiss on my cheek.

"You're welcome," I smiled.

Next, my mom opened one of her gifts from me, which had the lotion I had bought on my shopping trip with Wyatt and a new bath bomb for her to try out.

We took turns opening gifts for a long time until we were all on our last gift. So far I had gotten, new clothes, a few new makeup products, some baby items that I would be needing in the coming months, and some other fun little gifts. I was on my last gift, which was from Wyatt. It was a small rectangular box that was wrapped neatly and had a bow placed on top. I pulled it open and inside was a necklace that had a W on it and a piece of paper with Wyatt's messy hand writing scribbled on it.

It read:

Dinner with your favorite boyfriend on December 26 at 6:30 PM. Make sure you dress nice :)

"We're going to dinner tomorrow?" I asked him.

"Yes, but I'm not going to tell you where, so don't even try to ask," Wyatt chuckled.

"What if I say please?" I asked.

"Nope!" Wyatt said, popping the 'p'. He proceeded to cross his arms over his head and shake his head like a toddler would when saying no.

"Fine!" I huffed, also crossing my arms over my chest.

Grayson rolled his eyes, "Whatever weirdos, it's my turn." He opened his gift which was something from my mom and then Wyatt opened his gift from Grayson. Then, finally my mom opened her last gift. It was a gift from both Grayson and I, it was an air fryer. She was always mentioning it, so Gray and I decided to buy it for her.

"An air fryer! I cannot wait to use this!" Mom squealed.

"Good because it was so hard to find!" I informed her. It seemed like everyone was buying an air fryer for Christmas, I had to look at three different stores before I was able to get my hands on one.

"One that note, how about we get some breakfast, I made monkey bread!" Mom smiled as she pushed herself off the couch.

"Monkey bread?" Wyatt asked, looking at me with a puzzled look on his face.

"You've never had monkey bread?" I gasped.

"No, what is it?" He asked.

"It's basically dough cut up into chunks and then smothered in a mixture of sugar and butterscotch pudding, then it is baked in the oven. It is heavenly!" I told him, with a dreamy look in my eyes.

"It's best warm, so let's move it," I told him. I pushed my self off the couch and then grabbed Wyatt's hands to get him off the couch. I lead him into the kitchen and sat him down at the table. I grabbed two plates and filled them up for both of us.

Once I sat down, I waited until Wyatt took a bite to eat mine. I wanted to see the look on his face when he tasted the bread of heaven. He took a small bite and immediately nodded.

"That's really good," He chuckled, taking a bigger piece on his fork for his second bite.

"I told you you'd like it," I noted before taking a bite of my own.

"It's not even noon yet and I already want to be at all of your family Christmases to come," Wyatt smiled.

"You will be if I have any say in it." I gave him a kiss on the cheek.


Sorry I'm not updating as often right now! I'm trying to figure out what direction I want this story to go. I think after the next chapter, I may skip the rest of their Christmas break and get back to when they go back to school and all that good stuff. I know I say this every time, but I hope you are still enjoying this story! If you are, don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you all so much for reading!

xx - Sidney

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