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After my birthday, the next five weeks of my pregnancy flew by and it was time for my baby shower. I had told Arden I didn't want a big party, but Arden is the type of person who has to make it big in some way. So while the guest list may not have been big, the amount of food and gifts was.

The baby shower also happened to be on May fourth  and that made Grayson very disappointed because he wanted to dress up as a Star Wars character that day, thankfully Jess managed to talk him out of it. Seeing my brother happy with Jess made me happy everyday. After everything Kelsey had put us through, I was so grateful that Grayson was able to find somebody that made him as happy as I was with Wyatt.

Speaking of Wyatt, he had been working as a little league coach and actually got promoted after his first month, since they felt that he could handle coaching the kids who were a little bit older. I had gone to a few of his teams games and seeing him interact with all the boys made me so excited to see him with our son. It also made me wonder what the future would hold for us, maybe one day Wyatt would be coaching our little boy in little league or teaching him how to throw a football, the possibilities were endless and I couldn't wait—

"Hey are you ready? Everybody is starting to show up?" Jess asked, entering my bedroom.

I had gotten lost in thought while putting on the last coat of my mascara. I gave my eyelashes one last swipe of mascara, "Yeah, I'm ready."

I grabbed onto the edge of my chair and rested my other hand on my vanity before pushing myself off of the chair, to a standing position. My belly had gotten to an unbelievable size, which basically confirmed my suspicion that this baby was going to be tall just like his dad. I couldn't even imagine how big my stomach would be by the time I hit forty weeks, which was still six weeks away.

"You look beautiful Kennedy," Jess smiled as she grabbed my hand and lead me out of my bedroom.

"Thank you Jess," I thanked her as I gripped onto the railing, getting ready to descend down the stairs. I ran my hand over my belly to smooth my dress down. I was wearing a flowy maternity dress that was white with light blue flowers on it, I had found it while I was out shopping for baby clothes and just had to buy it for myself.

I grinned when I made it to the bottom of the stairs and found Wyatt waiting for me. He placed on of his hands on the small of my back and leaned down to press and gentle kiss against my lips. "You look absolutely stunning, princess," He whispered.

"That pregnancy glow helps a lot," I giggled.

Wyatt shook his head, "You glow all the time." My cheeks flushed pink and I ducked my head down, which gave Wyatt the opportunity to kiss the top of my head.

"Stop hogging the star of today!" I heard one of Wyatt's sisters say as they all approached me.

Wyatt chuckled before taking a step back and letting his sisters surround me. "It's been too long since the last time we saw you!" Maren sighed, giving me a hug.

"Seriously Kennedy, its been like three months since we last saw you!" Cara cried as she pulled me into a hug as soon as Maren let go of me.

"I've missed you guys too," I told them.

"You know what we weren't told until today?" Gianna asked, placing her hands on her hips.

"What?" I asked, pregnancy brain getting the best of me.

"That you two picked a name and didn't tell us!" She exclaimed.

I laughed at her over exaggeration, "Oh yeah, I wanted to wait to tell all of you together in person and I didn't know it would take this long for all of us to be together again," I explained.

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