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"Kennedy! It's so good to see you after all of these years! It's so weird to see both you and your brother both grown up!" Wyatt's oldest sister, Maren, said as she pulled me into a hug. When she pulled away, her eyes went to my bump and she smiled, "I still can't believe I'm going to be an aunt before I'm a mom."

"Honestly, I can't believe I'm going to be a mom right now either," I agreed with a laugh.

"My turn! Don't hog Kennedy!" Caralyn, the second oldest in the Chandler family at twenty-one, whined. As soon as Maren was out of the way, Cara pulled me into a tight hug.

"Hi Cara," I laughed, pulling away to look at the girl who looked almost identical to Wyatt. Out of Wyatt's three sisters, Caralyn definitely looked the most similar to Wyatt. Both of them resembled their mom, while Maren seemed to be the perfect mix of their parents, and Gianna, the third Chandler kid, looked just like their dad.

"Nobody wants to give me a hug?" Grayson whined, holding his arms out weakly.

"I'll give you a hug if it stops your whining," Wyatt teased. Grayson immediately crossed his arms over his chest, knowing he didn't want to get a bone crushing hug from Wyatt.

"I'll give you a hug Grayson," Gianna mumbled. She was closest in age to us at the age of nineteen, so she had gone to high school with us for two years. She was always the one who would drive us places if we wanted to go somewhere, since none of us got out licenses until our sophomore year. After Gianna gave Grayson a hug, she pulled me into a hug.

"Do you have a name picked out yet?" Gianna asked me.

"Not yet, but we have started looking at names, and apparently Wyatt has an idea," I informed her.

"Wyatt has an idea? I'd like to know more," She inquired, raising an eyebrow at Wyatt.

"Hey, I haven't even been able to tell Kennedy the idea yet, there's no way I'm telling you first," Wyatt told his sister, raising his hands in defense.

"Whatever baby bro, I guess I can wait a little bit longer," Gi sighed dramatically.

I gave Gianna's arm a light squeeze, "You'll know as soon as we decide," I promised her.

"Well then hurry up and decide!" Caralyn jumped in.

Wyatt wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled my back into his chest, "If you want your nephew to have a good name, don't rush it."

"How about we move this conversation to the living room? I'm tired of standing in the entryway," Maren suggested, however, it was more of a command than a suggestion.

We all moved into the living room and Wyatt and I sat down in one of the chairs, well Wyatt sat down and I crawled on his lap. Wyatt's sisters and Grayson took the couch, while his parents were sitting on the loveseat together. His sister's hadn't brought their fiance's/boyfriend's home for the weekend because they all agreed they just wanted a family weekend, but I was invited because his sister's had been dying to see me and ask me many questions and Grayson came because he had "nothing better to do" (but it was also a known fact that he had a crush on Gianna, so that was probably the actual reason he tagged along).

"How are you doing Kennedy?" Mrs. Chandler, who I had been instructed to now call Kiera, since I was having her first grandbaby, asked me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I doing well, aside from the days were I don't get enough sleep and or I have back pains."

"That's good, honestly carting a boy is so much easier, if I would have had Wyatt first and then had a girl, I probably would have stopped after two kids!" Kiera laughed.

"Well, I'm glad that didn't happen," Gianna chimed in.

Her mother smiled at her, "You know I'm just kidding darling."

"Kennedy, how far along are you again?" Maren asked me.

"I'm exactly twenty weeks today!" I smiled.

"Halfway there," Wyatt added in.

"Already! Didn't you like just find out?" Cara jumped in.

"We found out a little later than most people do," Wyatt shrugged.

"Oh! Kennedy, I actually got something for you when I found out you were having a boy! Can you come with me to get it?" Maren asked, totally switching the subject.

"Of course," I replied, standing up from my chair.

"I'm coming too!" Cara chimed in.

"Same with me!" Gianna called before they pushed me towards the stairs in their house. I barely had time to turn and wave to Wyatt before his sister's whisked me away.

"I do actually have something for you," Maren started, as she lead me up the stairs, "but we also needed to get you alone for some major girl chats!"

"That is fine by me. When I'm basically living with just my brother and Wyatt, sometimes I need girl time," I laughed as they pulled me into Maren's old bedroom.

"Okay, so you can open your gift first if you would like! We all chipped in on it," Caralyn told me as she handed me a gift bag with tissue paper overflowing out of it.

"Thank you! You girls did not have to get me anything," I informed then.

"Oh shush! Of course we did, you are making all of us aunt's," Gianna smiled.

I sent her a smile before pulling the tissue paper out of the bag. The first thing I pulled out was a frame that said family on it.

"That is for when the baby is born, so you put a picture of all three of you in there," Maren informed me.

Next, I pulled out a onesie that said I love my aunties, which was absolutely adorable.

"Grayson is going to be jealous that there isn't one for an uncle!" I laughed.

"There is one more thing in there," Cara informed me.

I nodded and pulled out more tissue paper, before finally reaching the last object in the bag. I pulled out a basket that was labeled, Mommy survival kit, inside, there were many things that would definitely come in handy, like coffee, skincare masks, and many other things that I could use to treat myself.

"Thank you so much for this stuff, you girls are amazing!" I thanked them.

"You're welcome Kennedy! You're already like a sister to us," Go smiled bumping her elbow into my arm.

"You three are the best sister's I could ever ask for!" I told them, pulling them all into a group hug.

When we pulled away, Maren cut straight to the chase, "So please enlighten us how you and Wyatt started seeing each other. We have been dying to know!"

I laughed, "Well, it is a little bit of a weird story, but if you want to know, it all started at a party!"

Sitting their with Wyatt's three sisters made my heart so full. I could already tell that they felt like family to me, and I didn't want to lose that feeling.


Hey everyone! I'm sorry its been over a week since I updated last, for some reason this chapter was just very difficult to write, like things weren't coming to my brain like they usually do. Also, I may do a slight time jump in the next chapter, but I'm not quite sure yet... Aside from that, that you all so much for reading!! If you are enjoying this story, don't forget to vote and comment! Love you!!!

xx - Sidney

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