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When I woke up the next morning, the sun was streaming through the windows. I groaned before turning over to see that Wyatt was still asleep. I rolled out of bed as quietly as possible a grabbed one of Wyatt's sweatshirts before heading down to the kitchen. I slipped the sweatshirt over my head and pulled it over my stomach just in case Kelsey was still here, which I really hoped she wasn't.

However, my hopes were crushed when I saw Kelsey and Grayson eating breakfast together. I tried to avoid talking to them for as long as possible, which didn't end up being very long. Just as I grabbed a bowl out of the cabinet, Grayson spoke to me.

"How did it go last night?" He asked me.

I set the bowl on the counter and turned to face him, "Interesting."

"Where'd you go last night Kennedy?" Kelsey asked me. I rolled me eyes at her acting all nice to me.

"Wyatt and I had dinner at his parents house for the first time," I told her quickly before going back to getting my cereal.

"Well, Kelsey and I are heading to do some hiking, we'll be back later," Grayson informed me before the two of them put their dishes in the sink and headed towards the door.

Great, now later I was going to hear about what great sex Grayson had in a bush from Wyatt. I shuttered at the thought of that and grabbed some Frosted Flakes out if the pantry. I poured them into my bowl and added in a little bit of milk before sitting at the island.

I was half way through my cereal when a pair of arms wrapped around my shoulders and Wyatt nestled his head into the crook of my neck. I reached behind me and ran my fingers through his hair.

"Morning," I smiled.

"Morning," He mumbled into my neck.

I turned my head and kisses the side of his head, "You should eat," I told him. He mumbled a fine before unwrapping his arms around me. I watched his as he grabbed a bowl from the cabinet and poured himself some cereal. He sat down next to me and we sat in silence for a few minutes. When I finished my bowl, I finally decided to speak.

"Your dad brought up a good point last night, we need to figure out how we're going to support the baby," I pointed out. Wyatt set down his spoon and grabbed my hand.

"And we will, but can we talk about it later?" He begged. I turned to face him fully. I pulled my hand out if his hand.

"Wyatt, we're kinda on a time restraint here. We need to talk about it now," I announced, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Look Ken, I'll get a job somewhere when football training ends at the end of the month," He said.

I sighed, "Wyatt, there more to it than that."

"Then what else it there?" He snapped.

This was quickly turning into our first argument. I didn't want to be having it, but if he was going to be stubborn, we were going to have to argue about the subject.

"Wyatt, we have to figure out if the baby is going to live here full time or at both of our houses and how everything is going to work once the baby is here," I started, "Not to mention starting to format our lives like a real family, like moving to our own place or getting a joint bank account," I added in. Wyatt ran his hand over his face and then his hair.

"Ken listen, we can talk about this more after I talk with my dad. If anything, he'll be the one who knows what we should do," Wyatt explained.

"Eventually we aren't going to be able to rely on our parents for all of the answers. We're having a baby for Christ's sake, Wyatt. We're going to the parents here pretty f*cking soon!" I snapped.

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