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"Kennedy Harden," a nurse called out into the waiting room. Wyatt and I stood up and headed towards her.

"How are you two doing today?" She asked us, as she lead us back to the ultrasound room.

"We're doing great, how about you?" I told her.

"I'm doing good," She informed me, "You can go ahead and take a seat here."

I sat down and she started to take my blood pressure, "So are you two finding out the gender today?" She asked us.

"Not today, were actually doing a gender reveal next week, so we're taking the results directly to my best friend."

"That's so sweet. Gender reveal parties are always the best kind of parties," She smiled, "Alright, I'm all set with you, so the technician will be in in a moment!"

"We seriously have to wait another week?" Wyatt asked.

"Yes! And if you think about it, we've really only known about this baby for about a month and a half, I'm sure we can survive not knowing the gender for another week," I teased him.

"But I wanna know now," Wyatt pouted.

"Who knew Wyatt Chandler had such a soft spot for babies?" I giggled.

"Not all babies, just the baby that I get to have with you," he smiled, planting a quick kiss on my lips. Just as we pulled away, there was a knock on the door and the technician entered. She set everything up and squeezed the gel on my stomach. Before she placed the wand down on my stomach she looked over at us.

"Alright Mom and Dad, are we finding out the gender today?" She asked us.

"Could you please write it down on a piece of paper for us? We're having a gender reveal party next week," I explained to her.

"Of course, I'll write it down after I'm all done here and send it back on with Doctor Lincoln," She confirmed.

"Thank you so much."

When she placed the wand on my belly, she moved it around and showed us everything different about our baby since the last time we'd seen it. We listened to the heartbeat again and it gave me the same feeling it did the first time I listened to it.

"Alright, I'm going to turn the monitor off, so I can find the gender," She informed us. The monitor that Wyatt and I had been looking at went black and she moved the wand around until she stopped moving it.

"You both are very lucky that this baby doesn't have their legs all crossed," She chuckled before lifting the wand off of my stomach. She handed me a paper towel and headed out of the room to get Dr. Lincoln.

"It's like official now, somebody knows the gender of the baby," I squealed, squeezing Wyatt's hand.

"Yeah, somebody knows before us!" He huffed.

I swatted his shoulder, "Wyatt, if you thought this was going to be an issue, why didn't you tell me?"

"No it's fine, I just really want to know," He promised.

"I can only imagine how you would be if we decided to have a surprise gender birth."

"I could never in a million years even think about doing that," He groaned.

"Neither could I," I assure him, giving his hand a light squeeze.

Dr. Lincoln entered the room soon after that and she sat down at her computer and got all of her files situated.

"Alright you two, here is the envelope with the gender and the ultrasound picture of the gender," She smiled, handing a sealed envelope to me.

"Thank you," I thanked her.

"Baby is very healthy. Everything looks to be right on track, if not, slightly ahead of track," She informed us.

"Do you two have any questions?" She asked us.

"Yes, I do. Since I'm young, is there a chance that I could go into labor early?" I asked her.

"There is a chance, but that's the case with all pregnancies. For girls your age, some do deliver a couple of weeks early, which isn't a big issue as long as it's within a certain range of weeks, and others deliver right as scheduled," She answered.

"So, should I be worried about it?"

"With the way all of your vitals look and how baby looks, I would say no. You'll most likely deliver on time," She answered.

"That's good news, I just don't want to be delivering a baby when I'm supposed to be taking my finals," I confessed.

"That shouldn't be an issue and don't let it worry you too much. Your worrying and stress could speed everything up, so just try to stay as relaxed as possible," She smiled, "And of there is nothing else, you two are free to go, I'll see you back here in another month, where we'll starting going into more depth over everything."

"Thank you, Doctor Lincoln!" I thanked her before standing up.

"Thank you," Wyatt smiled, shaking her hand. We both exited the room and headed to check out. I quickly set up my next appointment and headed out.

"I never thought about the fact that you might have this baby during finals," Wyatt admitted as he pulled the driver's side door to his car shut.

"Yeah, that's probably what I'm most worried about with this whole thing," I confessed.

"If it happens, I'm sure we will be able to figure something out with the school. Like Doctor Lincoln said, please don't stress about it. We'll cross that bridge of and when we come to it," He comforted me, placing his hand on my thigh.

I placed my hand on top of his, "When did you get so good at easing my mind?" I asked him.

"When I was around you every single day for years on end," He teased.

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever! You totally ignored me for a majority of those years."

"So not true, I just always happened to be caught up in your brothers shit when you were around. But then, you got hot," He smirked, shooting me a wink.

I scrunched my nose at him, "I can't believe I'm having your baby!"

"Better believe it princess because now I'm here to stay," He smiled, kissing my cheek when we stopped at a red light.

"Good," I giggled, turning my head to give him a quick kiss on the lips. "I cannot wait for many more years together."

"I love you Kennedy."

"I love you too Wyatt."


Hey everyone! A back to back day update because you all are amazing! So, the gender is like set in stone now, so let me know what you think it will be in the comments (and yes it actually is just one baby, there is no surprise baby coming)! I know that this story has been kinda slow for a while, but now it's going to start picking up it's pace. I just wanted you guys to know that Kelsey and Grayson had to be dating for at least a couple of weeks for the plot to work out the way I wanted it to, which is why it kinda took forever for the word that Kennedy's pregnant to get out. Other than that, I hope all of you are enjoying this story, and if you are don't forget to vote and comment! Love you!!

xx - Sidney

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