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"She did what?" Wyatt frowned as we sat in the ultrasound room.

"Called me a pregnant slut and ruined our friendship by doing so," I sighed.

"And I thought she was a good person," Wyatt mumbled.

I nodded, "So did I. I honestly can't believe she'd destroy a friendship just to make her parents happy."

"Whatever, she's clearly not worth it," Wyatt said, grabbing my hand.

I only nodded in agreement as the ultrasound technician walked in. She greeted us and started on the routine ultrasound, which didn't take too long.

"Alright, you can clean off your stomach and Dr. Rowland will be coming to talk to you, since Dr. Lincoln is out today," the technician said before heading out of the room.

"Why does that name sound familiar? I swear I've heard of a Dr. Rowland before," I said as I wiped the ultrasound gel off my stomach.

"Holy shit," Wyatt mumbled.

I looked over at him, "What?"

"He's that doctor that came to school and talked about how bad teen pregnancy is and why we should never have sex," Wyatt groaned.

"Oh shit! Are you sure it can't be a different doctor Rowland?" I asked.

Just before Wyatt could answer, the door opened and a Dr. Rowland walked in. He was staring at my file, but I could clearly tell he was the doctor that came to talk at our assembly. Maybe he wouldn't recognize us.

"Hello Ms. Harden and Mr. Chandler, I'm doctor Adam Rowland and I'll be going over your ultrasound with you today since doctor Lincoln is out today," He greeted us as he shook both of our hands.

"Nice to meet you," Wyatt said.

"Well, everything looks normal. The baby is growing right along where he should be, if anything he might even be on the bigger side," Dr. Rowland informed us. We nodded as he told us the information.

"Have you two been able to balance school, work, and preparing for a baby?" He asked us.

"Yes we have actually. Everything has been going well with school and work for both of us and we also make time to work on baby stuff," I informed Dr. Rowland.

He scribbled some notes down and nodded, "What school do you two attend?" He asked us

"Jefferson High School," Wyatt answered.

"You know I was just there a couple months ago for an assembly," He noted.

"You were? I must have missed that day," I said, playing dumb.

"Yes! It was a wonderful assembly. Too bad you missed it," He started, "Anyways, everything looks good and you can schedule your next appointment for a month out," Dr. Rowland said before getting up and walking out of the room.

"That was a close call," I sighed as I pushed myself off of the bed I had been sitting on.

"Yeah, let's get out of here before he actually does remember us," Wyatt mumbled as he grabbed my hand. We walked out of the room and made our next appointment before heading out of the hospital.

"Wyatt?" I asked as we got into his car.

"Yes Kennedy?" He responded.

"Can you please tell me that name idea you had back at the gender reveal party? It's been almost two months," I begged.

"Yes, I will tell you when we get back to your house," He promised.

"Good, I'd like to get a name for this little guy as soon as possible, so we can start using his name," I smiled, looking down at my bump.

"I think you'll like it," Wyatt smiled.

"You've been saying that for like two months! Just hurry up and drive!" I shushed him.

When we arrived back at my house, I found my baby name list and sat down on my bed next to Wyatt, ready to hear his suggestion.

"So?" I asked, looking at him.

"Yes?" He responded, looking back at me.

I rolled my eyes, "What is your idea?" I asked.

"Oh right," He nodded, "It's actually for the middle name, not the first name."

"Okay, what is it?" I asked, getting slightly impatient because of how long Wyatt was drawing out the conversation.

"Before I say it, let me just say I didn't have this idea because I'm self centered, I just thought it would be nice," He started, "What if the baby's middle name was my name, Wyatt?" He finished.

I smiled, "I really like that,"

"Really?" He asked. "You don't think it's dumb or anything?"

"No Wyatt, I think it's really sweet. Our baby boy gets your middle name," I informed him.

"Good," He sighed.

I flipped open my notebook, "Now all we have to do is decide on a first name to go with the middle name."

I glanced down at the boy names we had written down and started running them through my head with Wyatt Chandler attached to the end to see if any stuck.

"Caleb Wyatt Chandler," I said. I thought for a moment before shaking my head, "I don't like that."

As I crossed Caleb off the list, Wyatt spoke, "What about Jacob Wyatt Chandler?" He asked.

I shrugged," I don't mind the name Jacob, but I'm not in love with it. How about Chase?"

"No, I don't think any C names will work with Chandler as the last name. I'd prefer for our child to not have matching initials," Wyatt told me.

I nodded, "Agreed."

"What about Levi?" I asked.

"It's not bad," Wyatt hummed.

"No it's not, definitely better than the rest of them so far," I shrugged

"Okay, I found this one on the internet, it's Treyton," Wyatt said.

I shook my head, "Treyton makes me think of Trey, which makes me think of Troy, which makes me think of Troy Bolton."

"What is it with you and Troy Bolton?" Wyatt chuckled.

However, I didn't answer because the perfect name struck me, and it was a name that had been right in front of my face the whole time.

"Kennedy?" Wyatt asked.

"I've got it," I whispered, staring down at the name on my name list.

"What is it?" Wyatt asked, eager to know.

"Noah," I whispered. "Noah Wyatt Chandler."

Wyatt smiled and nodded his head, "Noah Wyatt Chandler. I love it."

"Oh my God, we really just named our baby!" I squealed, pulling Wyatt into a hug.

"We love you so much already, Noah," Wyatt smiled, kissing my bump.

I smiled even wider at the idea that our baby boy finally had an official name. Noah Wyatt Chandler, our perfect baby boy.


Ahhhhh!!! The baby's name has been revealed! How do you like it? Do you love it? I know that I am absolutely in love with the name and knew it was absolutely perfect for Kennedy and Wyatt's baby boy! Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you all are still enjoying this story! If you are enjoying this story, or you livey the baby's name, do forget to vote and comment!

xx - Sidney

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