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"Bye Kennedy! We'll see you at five thirty, along with all the other girls!" Arden beamed before her and Hailey headed off to her car. I waved to them before heading to mine and my brothers parking spot. I spotted my brother a few feet ahead of me and ran to catch up with him.

"Gray! Will you at least talk to me?" I asked him, out of breath from running.

"What do you want my to say Ken, my best friend knocked you up," He mumbled before getting in the driver's seat of the car. I got into the passenger seat next to him and stopped him from turning in the car.

"Listen, I was fully aware of what was happening and I know you may not like the fact that I have a baby in me right now, but Wyatt has been so supportive," I told him.

"Kenn-" Grayson started, but I cut him off before he could start lecturing me again.

"Did you know that I called it off with Wyatt a week ago because I was scare did what would happen when you found out about us? No you didn't, but do you want to know what Wyatt did? He held me while I was sobbing on the bathroom floor, he didn't care if I had broken up with him in that moment, he just cared about me and how I was feeling. Stop focusing on the fact that I am pregnant and focus on the fact that you have a best friend who still want to be your best friend and a sister who needs you now more than ever," I ranted.

"You broke up with him because of me?" Grayson asked as he looked down at his lap. I nodded my head in response.

"I didn't feel like I had another choice Gray, I felt like I was being suffocated by all of your rules and I wasn't about to drag your best friend down with me," I explained. Grayson finally made eye contact with me and his eyes were watery.

"I'm so sorry Ken. I don't know what I was thinking, and I'm sorry I pushed you away. You need me now, more than ever," Grayson apologized. I pulled him into a hug.

"I forgive you as long as you promise to be the coolest uncle ever," I giggled.

"You know it!" He laughed before turning the key in the ignition. We drive home in a comfortable silence, I was really just happy that my brother was okay with everything now. I hoped that meant that him and Wyatt would make up, but that wasn't up to me.

As soon as we got home, I headed up to my room to FaceTime Wyatt. He picked up almost immediately. I was met with a beautiful image of his smiling face.

"Hey love, what's- are you okay? Have you been crying?" He asked me, his happy mood immediately turning to worry.

"I'm fine, these are happy tears, I swear," I sniffed. A smile broke out on his face once again.

"I assume that means things went well with your brother?" He guessed.

"Yes and I'm so glad. I probably wouldn't be crying right now on a normal day, but these damn hormones are really getting to me."

"Hormones or not, I'll still be there for you. I'll see you in an hour," He laughed before ending the call. I smiled threw my phone in my bed before I started to gather all of the pillows and blankets in my house to basically make a mosh pit in my living room. Once I gathered all of the stuff up, I set it all in a pile in my living room before heading to the kitchen. I pulled all of the snacks out of the cabinet and laid them all out on the island.

Not before long, it was four and the was a knock on the door. I opened the door happily to reveal a smiling Wyatt.

"Hi!" I chirped before throwing my arms around his neck.

"Hi beautiful," He smiled before kissing me. I let go of Wyatt and let him step inside before I shut the door behind us.

"Do you want to help me move stuff and then go talk to my brother?" I asked him.

"Sure," He agreed. I lead him to the living room and pointed to the couch.

"Can you push that further back and then move the coffee table to the side of the living room against the wall?" I requested. He nodded before moving everything around. Once he finished, I gave him an approving nod.

"Nice job, Mr. football player," I teased as I walked over to him.

"Furniture is nothing compared to big dudes in heavy equipment," He laughed before pressing a light kiss on my lips.

"Now go make up with my brother while I lay out all of these blankets," I ordered.

"As you wish, master," He joked before bowing and then running up the stairs. I laughed at his goofiness before grabbing a handful of blankets and laying them all on the ground. After about ten minutes, the floor was covered with soft blankets. I smiled at the work I had just done before I went back up to my bedroom. I found one of my favorite pairs of pajamas, which was blue, white, and gray, plaid pajama pants, and an old band t-shirt that I wore all the time. I checked the time and it was already five o'clock. When I walked past Grayson's door, I put my ear up to it to hear the two boys gaming, they must have made up. I decided to leave them be and headed down stairs.

I went around and made sure everything was clean and in its place, so when the girls arrived, everything would be perfect. I turned on the TV and opened my Netflix account, so we could start watching movies.

As soon as I was done with the TV, the doorbell rang and I ran to door and opened it to see Hailey, Arden, and one of our other friends, Jess at the door.

"Hi guys!" I smiled, opening the door a little wider, so they could step inside.

"So, living room as usual?" Arden asked. I nodded and the four of us headed in there. There were eight of us girls in total. It was me, Arden, Hailey, Jess, Lauren, Lacey, Kara, and Genevieve. I wasn't as close with Lauren, Lacey, Kara, or Genevieve as I was with the other three girls, but we all got along to well. Lauren and Lacey were identical twins. We all were interested in similar things and we're pretty low maintenance, except for Arden of course, but she was the exception because she got along with all of us as if we were all her sisters.

"I call center!" Arden called before throwing her stuff in the middle of the living room.

"Whatever, I want to be able to get up at night without stepping over anyone," Jess laughed before setting her stuff down next to the couch. Soon after all of them had gotten their bedding together the other girls showed up and we turned on The Kissing Booth.

"Seriously, I wish I could have a relationship like that!" Lauren whined at the part where Noah and Elle finally get together and they have the little montage.

"I think everybody does," Jess added in before turning her attention back to the movie.

"Everybody does what?" Wyatt asked as he walked down the stairs. Everyone's heads turned towards him.

"Hi Wyatt!" Hailey smiled before fixing her hair.

"Wyatt! Have you been here this whole time?" Somebody else asked in a flirtatious voice, I didn't know who it was because I was too distracted by the fact these girls were trying to hit on ny boyfriend.

"You wanna stay and watch the movie with us?" Somebody else asked.

"Girls, girls, calm down! I don't want to get anyone else here pregnant!" Wyatt joked.

"Anyone else pregnant?" Arden repeated.

"Are you saying somebody in this room is pregnant with your baby?" Hailey asked.

The room became dead silent and my eyes widened. He just spilled the beans without even trying to spill them.


Well... How do you think they are going to cover this one up? Let my know what you guys think in the comments! Thank you so much for over 200 reads! You guys are the best!

xx - Sidney

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