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"Kennedy, darling, you need to eat," My mom told me after she popped her head in my door.

"Mmm," I groaned as I rolled over in my bed. It was now Sunday in the early afternoon and I hadn't talked to Wyatt since he left my house Saturday morning. We had never gone that long without talking before. Ever since he had left, I had been in my room lying around and debating whether or not I should call him, until I eventually fell asleep, curled up against his pillow.

"Kennedy Rose, I will drag your ass downstairs to eat if you don't get up yourself, this isn't good for the baby!" My mother warned me before she pulled my warm blankets off of me and pushed them to the end of the bed. I finally opened my eyes for good and sat up in my bed.

"Thanks Mom," I muttered sarcastically.

"You're welcome dear!" She winked before walking out of my room.

After a couple minutes of stretching, I got up and headed to the kitchen. I was wearing the same clothes that I had worn the day before, but I couldn't have cared less. I rubbed my eyes before sitting down on a stool by the island. My mom slid a plate of pancakes in front of me, and I thanked her before digging in. I didn't bother to look up from my plate when I heard my brother sit in the seat next to me.

"Good afternoon, Gray," Mom smiled before a plate slid to Grayson as well.

"Where's Kelsey?" I asked him, biting a piece of pancake off of my fork.

"I figured it probably wasn't the best idea to have her over with you already upset over your argument with Wyatt," He shrugged. I had texted Grayson a little while after Wyatt left, telling him everything because there was nobody else I could talk to, since none of my friends knew about the baby.

"That's nice," I mumbled, pushing pieces of pancake around on my plate.

"Ken, you and Wyatt are both learning, you just need to talk to him and work things out," My mom informed me.

"And we will, I just don't know when," I snapped, shoving my finished plate away from me.

"Hopefully it's sooner rather than later, I don't think I can stand you being all mopey for much longer," He admitted. As if it was perfectly planned, the doorbell rang.

"It's probably for you, Ken, go answer it," Mom told me. I sighed as my feet hit the floor. As I walked to the door I could hear my mother say to my brother,

"You need to be nicer to your sister. Only she is allowed to be a bitch to you, you can't be a bitch to her." A grin appeared on my face, classic Angela Harden move. However, my smile wavered when I remembered who was most likely standing behind the door. I sucked in a deep breath before I pulled the front door open. Sure enough, Wyatt was standing in front of me.

"Hey," I whispered.

He shoved his hands in his pockets, "Hey, I thought about letting myself in, but figured it might be awkward."

"Come in," I started. He stepped inside the house and slid his shoes off while I shut the door. "Do you wanna go upstairs and talk? Gray and my mom are in the kitchen," I asked him. He nodded and followed me up the stairs. As soon as I had shut the door to my room, Wyatt sat on the edge of my bed and let out a long sigh as he ran his hands over my face.

"I'm really sorry about yesterday Ken. You're right, we do need to figure this stuff out and I just kept trying to push it away," He apologized. I sat down next to him and rubbed his shoulder before adding in my own comments.

"I should be the one apologizing Wy, after thinking about it I realized that I was being a bitch yesterday. I had no right to blow up on you like that out of nowhere. I thought we would be able to figure everything out in that moment, but we do have to think about things like that," I sighed, tears welling in my eyes.

"Kennedy stop thinking like that. We both blew things out of proportion yesterday, I'm not going to let you take all the blame for it," Wyatt told me.

"I just don't want to fight anymore," I whispered while tears started to roll down my cheeks.

"And we won't," Wyatt agreed as he grabbed my hands. He kissed the back of my hand before he pulled me up. He dropped my hand to open his arms and engulf me in a warm, familiar hug. I relaxed when his scent hit my nose and I buried my face further into the sweatshirt he was wearing.

"Shit, it was hardly twenty four hours and I just about lost my mind from not talking to you," He mumbled into the crook of my neck. I nodded in agreement and held him close to me, tears were still spilling out of my eyes, but they were out of happiness, stupid pregnancy hormones.

"You okay?" Wyatt asked as he pulled away to look into my teary eyes.

"Yeah, just the hormones now," I sighed, wiping my eyes with the sleeve of my sweatshirt. "So are we ready to talk think over?" I asked, looking for a confirmation from him.

"Yeah, let's sit down," He confirmed as he lead us back over to the edge of my bed again. I sat down on the bed cross legged and faced Wyatt who was doing the same.

"My parents said that they would help us for the first few months if we need it, but after that we'll be on our own," He started.

"Okay, so we both should get jobs and start saving money now," I noted.

"Are you sure you'll be able to work Kenny?" He asked, genuine concern laced throughout his tone.

"Yes Wyatt, I'll be fine. I'll probably try to get a job at one of the boutiques or coffee shops in town and I can babysit on the weekends," I informed him.

"Okay. I'm hoping to get a job as one of the little league club coaches, that pays really well, and then after that, I'll go back to my usual summer job working for my dad's friends landscaping company."

"Where is baby going to stay?" I asked.

"I think it's best if baby stays here full time. We are here more than we're at my house and you have both your mom and brother here to help along with me, plus it will cut our costs in half," Wyatt answered. A small smile appeared on my face, we were finally figuring things out, like an actual married couple would.

"I definitely agree with that," I agreed.

"And the moving thing, I think we should wait to move into our own apartment until we head off to college. So we stay here with baby for all of senior year and then move to an apartment at whatever college we end up going to."

"That works for me, I'll just have to make sure my mom is cool with it. Which she probably will be because she is already super excited about having a baby in the house again," I smiled.

"Also, there's one last thing," Wyatt said.

"Okay, shoot," I responded resting my hand on my bump.

"I think I'm going to quit football."


Hello loves! Thank you so much for reading this chapter and I hope you are still loving this story! So... what do you think Kennedy is going to say to Wyatt? Also, you may be wondering why that would be a big deal, Wyatt quitting football. Football is the one thing that Wyatt is super passionate about and he's also super good at it, so yeah. Anyways, don't forget to vote! We're so close to 1000 votes!

Also, there were more votes for the blue cover, so I have the blue cover as the story cover right now :)

xx - Sidney

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