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The next morning, I woke up before all of the other girls to start on breakfast. I was craving pancakes and bacon, so I decided to make those. I made my mom's famous pancake recipe and popped the bacon in the oven to crispen up.

Slowly, all of the girls started to wake me up and joined me in the kitchen. Last of all of them was of course, Arden, because she needs her beauty sleep. She walked in and stretched before sitting down at one of the bar stools.

"It smells good," She noted as she sniffed the air.

"Good thing it is all done, so you can eat it," I informed her before setting a plate in front of her. I gave all of the girls plates and we all started to dig in. I was extra hungry, so I decided to take an extra pancake.

"Whoa Ken, you might wanna consider eating less before your little muffin top gets bigger," Arden said. She wasn't trying to be mean, I was friends with her long enough to know that she told the straight facts, whether you liked it or not. I looked down at my tiny pudge of a stomach and frowned.

"My stomach looks completely normal," I shrugged before taking a bite of pancake, I was perfectly happy with my body, I was growing a real life human inside of me. Arden rolled her eyes before going back to eating her food.

"You look fine," Jess whispered to me, so Arden wouldn't hear. I mouthed a 'thank you' back to her and continued to eat until I heard the doorbell ring. I got up and headed towards the door. I opened it and standing outside was Wyatt.

"Why did you leave last night if you were just planning on coming back in the morning?" I asked him. He shrugged before stepping inside.

"Sometimes my parents like to see me at our house, do I smell pancakes?" He explained, but quickly got sidetracked.

"They're in the kitchen, help yourself," I giggled as I patted his arm. He grinned at me and we both walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a plate and piled it high with pancakes for him.

"Here you are sir," I smiled as I held out the plate to him. He gladly took it from my hands.

"Thank you kind lady!" He responded before sitting down in the chair next to my chair. I sat down as well and all of the girls continued to talk. I noticed Hailey send some flirtatious glances towards Wyatt and soon enough I couldn't take it anymore. Once Wyatt had finished eating, I grabbed his hand under the table to get his attention before giving him a subtle nod.

"Hey girls, I want to tell you something," I said. They all became quiet and looked at me. I lifted mine and Wyatt's interlocked hands together before speaking,

"Wyatt and I are dating." Most of the girls gave me a blank stare before their faces broke into smiles.

"You two are adorable!" Jess squealed in excitement.

"How long has this been a thing?" Hailey asked with a hint of disappointment in her voice.

"Over two months," Wyatt responded.

"And you didn't tell us?" Arden asked.

"Nothing was official, plus we didn't tell my brother until a couple days ago, so yeah," I explained.

"Well, I'm happy for you two," Arden smiled before getting up to give me a hug. We all continued to chat until all of the girls had to leave to do their various weekend activities, eventually, it was just Wyatt, my brother and I left in the house. My brother was upstairs gaming, so I didn't need to worry about him.

Wyatt and I were laying on the couch with our legs intertwined and he was playing with my hair. I had my eyes closed and was trying to fall asleep when Wyatt nudged me a little bit.

"Yes?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Do you think the baby is a boy or a girl?" He asked me. I looked down at my stomach and put my hands on top of my tiny stomach.

"I honestly don't care, but if I were to get my way, I want a little girl at some point to put in cute outfits and bows and to buy a bunch of pink stuff for," I answered.

"I want to teach our little boy to play football and guitar and do all of the things that a cool dad does," Wyatt told me.

"So you think it's a boy?"

"I know it's a boy," He mumbled before kissing the top of my head.

"Even if it isn't a boy this time, we still have another shot at one," I winked.

"Did Kennedy Harden just admit that she wants more kids with me?" Wyatt fake gasped. I giggled and rolled over so I was facing him.

"Maybe," I giggled before placing a kiss on his lips.

"You are so beautiful," He mumbled against my lips.

"You two are disgusting!" Grayson gagged as he walked past the living room. Both Wyatt and I got up the couch and followed my brother into the kitchen.

"If you don't want to see anything, don't come downstairs," I informed him.

"But downstairs is where the food is," He groaned.

"Then accept the fact that you are going to see us kiss," I ordered, placing my hands on my hips. Grayson rolled his eyes and punched me lightly in the shoulder.

"Lil Sis, no matter how long you and Wyatt date, it will always still be slightly weird for me," He confessed.

"Well, I hope that statement doesn't stay true forever."

"Yeah Gray, you know that I will split my time between both of my favorite twins," Wyatt chuckled as he clapped Grayson's shoulder. A small smirk grew on Grayson's face as he looked up at Wyatt. "You know one day, I may even be able to call you my brother," Wyatt added in.

"You two aren't engaged, are you?" Grayson asked.

"Nope, and probably not for a long time," I told him.

"Good because I don't think I could handle a niece or nephew and a wedding right now," He chuckled before heading back upstairs to his bedroom. Wyatt wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Kennedy Chandler, I like the sound of that," He noted. I tilted my head upwards and gave him a kiss.

"Me too," I smiled.


Hi everyone! Thank you guys so much for over 450 reads! This is absolutely insane! I hope you all continue to read and enjoy MBBFB! Don't forget to vote and comment!

xx - Sidney

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