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"How come trying to find room for all of this baby stuff is so hard?" I groaned as I set a stack of burb cloths down on my bed.

Wyatt popped his head up from behind the crib her was trying to assemble, "Probably because we are trying to fit all of your stuff, half of my stuff, and all of the baby's stuff into one room."

"Who ever let me get this much stuff?" I sighed, before deciding to pull all of my own clothes out of my closet and dresser.

"Are you actually going to go through all of that right now?" Wyatt asked me.

"I'm going to try," I sighed before holding up a tiny crop top, "I can start by getting rid of all the things that will not suit my new mom bod."

"Kennedy, don't talk that way," Wyatt scolded me, "your body looks amazing no matter how you look, whether that's right now, just after giving birth, or five months from now."

"You need to be a body positivity spokesperson," I told him as I threw a dress I hadn't worn since freshman year into a donate pile.

"You just need to look at yourself through somebody else's eyes and you would see how beautiful you are," Wyatt told me, his tongue peaking out of the corner of his mouth as he concentrated on getting a screw into the crib tightly.

"Maybe," I shrugged, throwing some crop tops that were less than cute into the donate pile, "who let me wear those?"

"Well, by the time your done with this, your closet is going to have nothing left in it," Wyatt chuckled.

"Hey! I am keeping the things I actually wear," I told him, "plus I think I'll take these to that used clothes store that will give you money for your clothes so we have that to use on baby things."

"That's actually kinda smart," Wyatt shrugged as he stood up to admire his work on the crib.

"Is it done?" I asked him.

He gripped the side of it and gave it a good shaking, thankfully it did what it was supposed to do, not move and fall apart. "I think so," he said.

"Where are we putting this again?" He asked.

"I was thinking we could shift my dresser to the wall that my door is on and then put the crib where the dresser was because then baby will be in the corner of the room away from the door and from the bathroom door," I informed him.

"Sounds good to me," Wyatt said before leaving the room. He came back with Grayson a few seconds later.

"What are we doing again?" Grayson asked.

"Moving the dresser over here and the crib where the dresser was," Wyatt said, as he started to move the dresser by himself.

"Calm down dude, it's not like we need to move this is like two seconds or else the earth will implode," Grayson joked as he grabbed the other end of the dresser.

"Oh stop it and just move this!" Wyatt groaned in response.

I smiled at their bickering and held up a heavily distressed t-shirt, debating whether or not it was worthy of being kept.

"Get rid of it," Jess said as she came in and sat on the edge of my bed. I jumped at the sound of her voice.

"Sorry! I didn't know you were there," I apologized, holding my hand over my chest.

"No I'm sorry! I really don't need to be scaring you into labor," she laughed.

"Yes please don't!" Wyatt agreed as he pushed the dresser back towards the wall.

"We still have five more weeks, we're all good," I promised, placing my hand on my bump. My doctor had assured me multiple times, that is was very unlikely that I would go into labor before I was full term, which was only two weeks away.

"Well now you jinxed it," Grayson teased as he and Wyatt carried the crib over to it's new spot.

"Do you want me to help you put away baby clothes Ken?" Jess asked as she dumped a clean load of baby clothes out of a laundry basket.

"That would be amazing," I told her, throwing a scarves I had never seen before into my donate pile.

"I thought we were gonna hang out," Grayson pouted as he wrapped his arms around Jess' waist.

"Your sister needs help, we can all hang out in here," Jess told my brother.

"Put I don't have anything to do," Grayson said.

"You can help me put together this rocking chair," Wyatt told him as he slid rocking char parts out of a box.

"Okay," Grayson grumbled as he returned to Wyatt's side.

"With how many clothes you are getting rid of, you're going to have nothing left to wear," Jess teased as she looked at my donation pile.

"The only thing I wear anymore is Wyatt's sweatshirts," I laughed as I glanced down at my outfit and realized I was in fact wearing one of Wyatt's sweatshirts.

"How many sweatshirts do you own?" Jess asked Wyatt.

"Way too many," He chuckled as he glanced down at his own sweatshirt.

I shrugged, "We're homebodies who like cozy clothes." I held up a tub top made of rubbery material, I remembered I had worn it for my sophomore year Halloween costume, but hadn't worm it since. Donate.

"What drawers do you want baby clothes in?" Jess asked me as she carried a stack of onesies over to my empty dresser.

"Um, the two drawers on the right are for Wyatt and I, so you can put them in the left two or the big bottom one," I started, "Oh and leave the very top ones empty because I think I'm going to stick diapers and wipes in those ones."

"Okay!" She said, confirming she had heard me before she got busy loading the drawers up with clothes.

"Hey Wy?" I asked, turning to face Wyatt.

"Yeah?" He responded, lifting his head up so he was looking at me.

"Can we run to the store later? I have a list of things we need to get and then I think we'll be all set."


Hey everybody! Thank you so much for 250k reads!! This is crazy to me!! Also... We're getting very close to baby time and I can't wait to be there! Thank you all so much for reading this story, it means the word to me that you all have stuck with this story even when I don't update for months at a time. I love all of you ♡

xx - Sidney

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