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"Attention all students! Please make your way down to the gym at this time!" One of the office ladies announced over the PA.

"I'll see all of you tomorrow!" My teacher called as all of us started getting up from our seats. Wyatt waited for me by the door and I grabbed his hand before we headed down the hallway along with the rest of the students in our highschool.

"Why are they even making us go to this?" I asked Wyatt. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Because we are ignorant highschoolers?" He responded.

"That is always a possiblity," I responded sarcastically.

"It fine, just two more hours and then we can go and do whatever we want."

"Cuddle?" I asked.

"If that's what you want to do, then sure," Wyatt chuckled. I gave him a toothy grin and kissed his cheek as we continued walking. We were ushered into the gym and took our seats in the bleachers. We were towards the front because we had come from the third floor while the other kids from the first and second floors had already arrived. Everybody was talking amongst themselves and didn't seem to care about what was going on around them.

A middle aged man walked in front of the bleachers and made sure all of his technology was set up before he took the mic and started talking into it.

"Good afternoon everyone!" He called out. The last amount of chatter among the crowd came to a halt and the man continued.

"Your principal informed me that all of you have no idea why you are here today, so I thought I would let you know that we will be discussing relationships and teen pregnancy at today assembly." A mummer errupted among all the kids and my face turned pale as I tightened my grip on Wyatt's hand.

"I am Dr. Adam Rowland and I am here to discuss these topics and their consequences in depth with all of you."

I turned to Wyatt before mumbling, "I feel like I'm gonna be sick." His face grew concerned as he started to rub my back.

"Will you be okay? Do we need to leave?" He asked me.

"I think it's just nerves, I should be okay," I replied back.

"Let's start off with a simple question, how many of you are in a relationship?" Dr. Rowland asked us. Over half of the kids raised their hands.

"As I anticipated. How, how many of you have been in multiple serious relationships?" He asked. Wyatt and I both put our hands down. We were both in our first serious relationship.

"See, most of you believe you have found the one, but then something happens and they are gone from you life in the blink of an eye, which is why all of you need to be careful about how far you go in each of your relationships!" Dr. Rowland told us.

"This is going to be a long two hours!" A girl behind us groaned. The people around her nodded in agreement.

The assembly continued on like that and eventually moved into pregnancy, which made me a little queasy.

"How many of you are in a relationship again?" He asked. This was probably the fourth time he had asked, so Wyatt and I raised our hands again.

"You young lady, come down and would your boyfriend come with you!" Dr. Rowland called as he pointed at me. I pointed at myself just to verify and he nodded. Wyatt and I shared a glance before getting up, of course this guy would pick on the couple who was biggest deal right now without even trying to.

"What's your name young lady?" He asked me.

"Kennedy," I replied.

"And yours?" He asked looking at Wyatt.


"Alright and how long have you two been together?" Dr. Rowland asked us. These questions were already making me a bit nervous.

"Two months," I responded. He nodded his head before turning to Wyatt.

"How would you feel if Kennedy told you right now that she was pregnant?"

"I would be shocked, but ultimately give her all of my support," Wyatt responded. I gave him a small smile and he smiled back.

"What if you found out if wasn't your baby?" Dr. Rowland asked.

"I know for a fact that it would be mine because Kennedy and I are loyal to each other," Wyatt answered.

"Alright then, you two can sit down now," Dr. Rowland told us. Wyatt and I sat back down and as soon as Dr. Rowland was rambling about something else I turned to Wyatt

"Why the hell did he call on us out of everyone else in this gym?" I whispered into his ear.

"Who knows? Maybe you look approachable?" Wyatt considered.

"Thank you for saying such nice things," I thanked him.

"Well, I've already said them once," he whispered almost to the point where I couldn't hear him. I smiled before lying my head on his shoulder. After another forty minutes of listening to Dr. Rowland ramble about how teen pregnancy is bad, we were finally released and Wyatt and I raced to his car.

"That felt like a full on personal attack on me!" I whined as soon as I shut the door to Wyatt's car.

"Yeah, that guy was quite biased too," He added in.

"I hate assemblies!" I groaned. In elementary school they were always fun, now they are all about how we need to stay safe and not do drugs, or not get pregnant. Obviously it's too late for me.

"Just be glad it's over and now we can go back to your house and talk about those baby names, and maybe schedule your first appointment?" Wyatt inquired.

"I totally forgot I had to schedule my own appointment!" I gasped.

"You'll be fine, you can only be like what, thirteen weeks max? and that's if you got pregnant like the first time," He assured me.

"It would only be my luck that I got pregnant the first time we had sex! Plus, my mom's going to kill me if I don't schedule my appointment today!" I said.

"Calm down Kenny, everything's going to be fine, if you keep worrying like this you're going to stress the baby out," Wyatt soothed me as he rubbed his hand up and down my thigh. He was right, I did need to just chill out a little bit becuase everything would be fine.


Hey everyone! Thank you for reading this chapter! I hope you enjoyed it and I'm sorry if some parts don't make sense, I wrote this late at night!

xx - Sidney

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