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"Kennedy! You're going to be late for school if you don't get a move on!" My mom called up the stairs to me.

"I'm coming down in a minute!" I yelled back. I hadn't gotten the best sleep the night before, so I had slept in later than usual. Thankfully, my hair looked decent, since I had had it braided the night before, so all I had to do was take it out of the braids. Then I threw on some leggings and one of Wyatt's sweatshirts before pulling some socks on.

I grabbed my phone off the dresser and my backpack off the ground before dashing down the stairs. I grabbed a protein bar from the pantry and gave my mom a quick hug.

"Love you Mom, I'll see you when you get home from work!" I told her before making my way out the door. I sighed a sigh of the relief when I saw Wyatt's car in the driveway. I quickly got inside and kissed his cheek.

"You okay? You seem a little flustered?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I just didn't sleep very well last night and then woke up late," I informed him. He nodded as he pulled out of my driveway and started driving to the school.

"It's alright, I'm sure a lot of people will be tired today, there were multiple parties last night," Wyatt assured me.

"Ugh parties. The only time I've ever voluntarily go to a party is when it's at my house, otherwise my friends always have to drag me there," I confessed.

"You're not alone on that. The only reason I attend some of the parties is because the football boys want me there. Apparently it looks bad when the football captain isn't there." Wyatt sighed.

"You didn't go to any last night though, right?"

"No, I told everybody I had to pick my parents up from the airport, which was true, it's just that I had to pick them up at noon, not at night." He confirmed.

"Good." I responded. It's not that I didn't trust Wyatt, because I did. I knew that he wasn't the type to get super drunk and hook up with random girls, it's just the thought of him being at a party where the police could possibly show up scared me. Most of the parties that people at our high school hosted were controlled and only certain people are invited. Others were always completely out of control.

We pulled into the school and I slung my backpack on my back before hopping out of Wyatt's Jeep. Wyatt met me on the other side and we started walked up to the school together. However, I noticed something was off when Jess and Arden came running up to me.

"Kennedy! Why didn't you tell us you were telling people you were pregnant today!" Jess whispered to me.

"What? I'm not and had no plan to," I told them, very confused.

"Ken, everyone is talking about it," Arden informed me. I looked up at Wyatt and he gave me a shocked look.

"How the hell did people find out? You guys didn't say anything right?" I asked.

"No, our mouths have been sealed. We haven't even said anything when people have asked us about it," Jess promised.

"I feel sick," I mumbled, gripping onto Wyatt's hand tighter.

"Hey, it's going to be okay. I know it's not the way you expected people to find out, but we've gotta stay strong and find out how the word got out," Wyatt assured me.

"Yeah, we gotta find out who did this," I repeated. I sucked in a deep breath before continuing to walk forward, Wyatt, Jess, and Arden standing right beside me.

As I walked, I could feel people's stares burning into my skin, but whenever I would look at them, they would immediately look away. I opened the doors to the school and walked in. Inside I saw flyers hanging up everywhere and immediately grabbed one off of a locker.

On the poster were multiple pictures of me, both out in public and in my own home. One if the pictures being Wyatt and I laying in my bed, with his hand resting on my bump. That was the day I thought I heard a noise. In that moment, I knew exactly who did this. But before I confronted her, I needed to talk to my brother.

"We have to find Grayson," I announced.

"I know where he hangs out before school, come on," Wyatt told me, pulling me towards the cafeteria. Once we were inside, I spotted my brother quickly and didn't say a word to him as I grabbed his arm and pulled him into a nearby hallway.

"What the hell Kennedy?" Grayson asked.

"You're girlfriend is a hell of a lying and manipulative bitch," I sneered.

Grayson gave Wyatt and I a confused look. He also looked back at Jess and Arden, standing a few feet back from us.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, genuinely confused. I handed him the flyer.

"Did you not see these all over the school?" I asked him.

"No. I wasn't really paying attention, coach asked me to help carry in equipment for baseball tryouts, so my hands were full." He answered.

"Is that inside our house?" He asked.

"Yeah and guess who's the only other person who has had access inside of our house other than us, Wyatt, and my friends this whole time?" I asked him.

His eyes grew wide and he looked up at me, "Are you positive?" He asked.

I pointed to the picture of Wyatt and I in my bed, "The day this picture was taken, I thought I heard somebody shut the door to my room and then when Wyatt and I went downstairs, there was only one other person in the house other than you and mom."

"Kelsey," He muttered.

"Yes, Kelsey." I confirmed.


Yes I know I'm evil with the cliffhangers, but they're kinda fun! So, did any of you call this? I know at least two people did in the comments of the chapter where Kennedy thought she heard something. What do you think Grayson is gonna do about Kelsey? Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you are still enjoying MBBFB! Love you all!

xx - Sidney

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