Chapter Six - She's coming

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Nicholas •

    It's been a week since Lu got here, a week in which we have been completely attached by the hip. Where ever I go she goes, and vice versa. People are already talking and asking if we were a couple and all I could say is: I wish.

    Lu isn't like most girls, she doesn't just drool over me like other girls here... instead she talks to me about wholesome stuff that she cares about. I'll admit it's the first time in a lot of time that I haven't had any action, but being with Lu kind of makes up for it.

"Nick!" Lu yelled at me from across the room, chucking a book in my direction. I put my hand up and the book stopped mid-air. I smirked at Lu as she rolled her eyes and continued shoving some clothes on her overnight bag. We were currently in her dorm room, she was packing because she was going over to her house today until tomorrow. "Stop drifting off, you little weirdo." She chuckled as she zipped up her bag.

"I can't believe you're leaving... I'll get bored to death." I said standing up from her bed and walking over to her. She smiled and rolled her eyes playfully, "Don't be so dramatic, Scratch. I'll be back tomorrow." She said as I picked up her bag and motioned her to the door.

"I'll definitely not miss Vera, ever since she basically told me to stay away from you; she's been so weird, she's barely here." Lu continued as I rolled my eyes. Vera's a bitch. We dated for a few weeks in my first year here, that was before I knew what other witches had to offer.

"Yeah, she's always been weird. Don't think about it much." I said as she nodded and made her way out of the girl's quarters. We stood in the hall as I pouted, she was teleporting back home so she was basically leaving right now.

"Bye Scratch, see you tomorrow." She whispered coming in for a hug, I smiled and hugged her tightly literally not wanting to let her go.

"Bye princess, be quick; I don't want to miss you that much." I said as she laughed and let me go, backing up and grabbing her bag.

She closed her eyes and snapped her fingers, and just like that... Lu was gone. I looked down at the floor and sighed. I've never been like this because of a girl, never in my life. I definitely don't know how to act anymore, what have you done to me?

"What's wrong, Nicky?" An annoying voice that I knew as Prudence asked. I turned around to find her alone. I raised and eyebrow as she chuckled and stepped towards me. I rolled my eyes as she chuckled.

"What do you want, Prudence?" I asked as she smiled and stepped close, too close for comfort. I stepped back but she grabbed my face, her long nails digging into my cheeks. "Come on, Nicky. Don't you miss me? Leave that little girl you've been following around and come back to me." Prudence whispered, looking at my lips as if waiting for me to kiss her. And maybe if this had happened a week ago I would have gave in, but it didn't. I grabbed Prudence's hands and tore them off my face.

"I will never come back to you. Not even if Satan asked me to." I said smirking whilst turning around and leaving Prudence probably mad as heaven at me but I didn't care.

All I could think about was Lucresia.

Lucresia •

"I'm home!" I shouted into my house and almost instantly I heard running footsteps and saw Kennedy running down the stairs. I smiled as she quite literally tackled me into the floor. I laughed and hugged my best-friend tightly. I can't wait to tell Ken all about Nick and about how I stood up to the weird sisters.

"I'VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH!" She shrieked loudly letting me go and sitting up on the floor. Smiling happily I let go of the hug.

" have no idea how much I've missed you!" I exclaimed as my mom and dad appeared out of the blue standing in front of us. I stood up and hugged them each tightly. My family and I are so close, being away from them for a week was really hard.

"How's the Academy been, honey?" My dad asked taking my bag and teleporting it up to my room. My mom motioned us to go sit down in the living room and we complied. I was so happy to finally be home with my parents and sister.

"It's been nice, I don't like it that much but it's fine. I have a friend you know, Nick Scratch; the guy that came to pick me up." I said happily as everyone smiled. There were all happy that I had found a friend to help me cope being away fron my family.

"Mom... Dad go away, she's going to tell me all of the juicy details about the Academy." Kennedy exclaimed as my parents let out a small laugh and agreed, informing us they were going to get dinner started. "Okay sissy, spill!" My sister exclaimed as I spilled.

I told Kennedy everything, every single detail. From Nick and the weird sisters to Vera and her sketchy behavior. My sister was so happy for me, and she was more happy that I had befriended a cute boy. "Okay Luce, it sounds like Nick really likes you." Kennedy stated as I smiled shyly.

"Kennedy I know he really likes me, but I just don't know how to act on it. I really like him too but I only just met him." I responded as she laughed at my innocence.

"Sissy it's easy, you just tell him that you like him and he'll probably respond with a kiss or something. I know boys..." Kennedy trailed off as I blushed, thinking about sharing a kiss with Nick. I've always been the shy sister, and Kennedy the wild one. It was easy for her to say that but for me this would be a first.

"Well enough about me, tell me about you and Baxter High." I said as Kennedy's face literally lit up. I could tell my sister was ready to tell me everything about her experience at Baxter high, and I was so happy I was able to hear her. And so she started:

"So... it's been great, almost like my old school back at Salem... but better since I met this boy, his name is Harvey and he's literally the cutest person ever. The only teensy tiny problem is that he has a girlfriend named Sabrina and she's really nice but I don't hang out with her that much. She's always doing stuff and leaves Harvey alone. Lately Harvey's been hanging out with me and I don't want to get in between their relationship but I feel like they're not gonna last." Kennedy gushed but I could only focus on Sabrina.

"Kennedy, is her name Sabrina Spellman?" I asked my sister as she nodded instantly . I pursed my lips and internally cursed. Great so I was supposed to befriend someone that my sister was friends with but not in a good way. "Why?" My sister asked as I dismissed her, not wanting to explain because I somehow knew she wouldn't understand.

12am •

My sister and I talked all night. I was finally going to change into my pajamas and go to sleep. Just as I was about to get out of my every day clothes I heard a thud in my room and I turned around to see... Nick? Oh my Satan, thank god I hadn't started changing.

"Nick! What if I was doing something private?" I shrieked at him as he turned a bright red and smiled. "Depending on how private, I would be very embarrassed." He said chuckling. Suddenly a small bird landed on my window, a psychopomp.

"Nick why are you here? Are you astral projecting?" I asked the boy as he smiled and nodded. I was kind of happy to see him since I somehow missed him a lot, even though we've been together for the past week inseparably.

"I don't have much time... Father Blackwood told me to get ahold of you as fast as I could. Sabrina Spellman is coming... she's coming, tomorrow." Nick informed me as another psychopomp landed on my window. If he stayed too long they would assume he's dead and take him away.

"Okay... I'll be there as soon as I wake up tomorrow morning.  Thank you for telling me that but you have to go, it's dangerous for you to be astral projecting." I said as he smiled and winked. "It was an excuse to come see you." He said and disappeared. I smiled and rolled my eyes.

Oh Satan, what has he done to me?


sABRINAAAA IS COMINGGGG also did you see, ken and harveyyyy!!? im soooo excited to continue this story, I feel blessed to already have over 70 reads! Thank you all who have read my story i am so grateful! today i think i will maybe triple update soooo bewareeee. Comment and fav!

Thank you for reading x

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