Chapter Thirty Two - What she is

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Lucresia •

     I waited anxiously for Nick to be back from his other meeting with the council. They had finally reached a decision about what would happen to Sabrina and Nick and I was excited to know if Nick would be staying in the Academy.

     I was sitting in the library reading on some book about The Greatest Witches in the Century. I sighed and turned another page. I heard the door to the library open making me turn around to see Nick entering the library with my father trailing behind.

     "Hey Lu! Look who I found entering the Academy just now." Nick said trying to sound as nice and chirpy as possible. I smiled and stood up to hug Nick. He seemed happy so it means the meeting with the council must have gone great. I smiled at my dad and gave him a quick hug. I motioned them to sit down and they complied.

     "How did it go with the council? What did they say?" I asked Nick as I sat down next to him, my dad sitting across from me. My father looked fidgety and nervous, what could be wrong?

     "They told me I can continue my studies with full benefits in the Academy." Nick said happily as I smiled widely. I am so happy for him, the Academy is his life. My dad looked between us and smiled awkwardly.

     "So dad, what was it that you wanted to tell me? And where is my mom?" I asked him as he shifted in his seat and took a deep breath as if he was preparing to say something wild. Can he just say it?

     "Your mother thought it was most prudent to stay in the house with your sister, just in case anything happened. We have to stay very alert." My dad explained as I nodded and pulled a tight smile. It's so awkward ever since they made me choose between Nick and them.

     "Well... You can tell me now, there's barely anyone here." I said as my dad looked around and nodded slowly. There were a few stragglers around the library but it was basically empty.

     "Luce, you have been wondering what are these new powers that you have started harvesting. Maybe magic without incantation, showing invulnerability, getting really mad and not feeling like yourself..." My dad trailed off as I looked at Nick who had a worried expression on his face.

     "Yeah... I've done all of those things right?" I asked looking at Nick who nodded slowly. "Yeah, when she gets mad, her eyes change color..." Nick said as my dad took a deep breath and looked at me intensely.

     "What is it dad? What's wrong with me?" I asked him hurriedly as I started to get anxious. What is wrong with me? I need to know now.

     "Honey there's nothing wrong with you. There are just some circumstances that go way beyond you, me, and our whole family. It goes beyond generations in our family. I think it's evident that our family is very special right?" My dad joked as I gave him a serious look.

     "Just get on with it, please. What is wrong?" I asked as my hand was whisked into Nick's. He gave my hand a tight squeeze and smiled at me trying to make me feel better.

     "Lucresia, witchcraft used to be different. Witches used to be one of the most powerful beings that walked the earth, but of course after the Salem witch trials that changed. When the trials occurred ... witches put aside witchery and tried blending in, in fear of course ... of being hunted. In result of this, they lost powers... and the Dark Lord didn't give them back. He was furious that they would hide who they were, but ultimately understood and let them live in secret but with restricted magic. Which is what we know and learn today." My dad explained but I was just confused. What did this have to do with me?

     "When Sarah Good was hung, as she was being tied up she promised she would be avenged. She promised that her bloodline would go on and that one day, there would exist a young Good witch that would harvest her powers and be most powerful. Since Sarah died for the Dark Lord, he promised he would fulfill her wishes. This story has always been told in our family, it's tradition... Everyone that gives birth in the family wonders, is my daughter the one?" My father rambled on as my heart pounded. Is this going where I think that this is going?

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