Chapter Ten - Meet Nicholas

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Lucresia •

"Are you ready?" I asked Nick. We were currently standing in front of my house. Nick had a weird expression on his face that I could only recognize as nervous.

"I mean... I guess." He said adjusting his black blazer. I laughed and took his hand, walking up the porch's stairs and opening the front door. We stepped inside as Nick gripped my hand tightly. "I'm home!" I yelled into the house. My mom and dad soon emerged from the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie..." My mom said giving me a tight hug, my dad following suit. They both turned to look at Nick who was looking pretty nervous.

"Well... This is Nicholas Scratch, he was my companion to the school. He showed me around and well we became the best of friends. You guys remember him?" I explained as my dad stepped up toward him and shook his hand tightly. My mom waving sweetly.

"Nice to meet you both." Nick said as my dad nodded and gave him a smile. "Where's Ken?" I asked my parents.

"She's not home yet. She's over at some little mortal cafe." My mom responded, she then turned to Nick. "We are so excited to have you here, Nicholas. Go on Luce, show him to the guest room. I'll prepare you guys some lunch." My mom said as I nodded.

"Come on." I said tugging at Nick's arm and heading up the stairs. We entered the guest room that was next to my room. Nick smiled and put his black leather bag on the bed. "This is so nice." Nick said looking around the room.

"We almost never use this room. So feel special..." I trailed off as Nick laughed. He came over and gave me a hug, "You know... I feel really grateful that you invited me to celebrate with your family." Nick said with a sad expression on his face.

"And why is that?" I asked curiously. Nick has never once mentioned his family to me but of course I didn't pressure him. He would tell me when he was ready.

"When I was young I was given a werewolf familiar... my family died and she was all that I had left. She raised me basically until I started at the Academy." Nick explained with a sad expression on his face. "I haven't celebrated in family in ages, so being with yours... It's really something." He said giving me a peck on the lips. My heart broke for him.

"Oh Nick... I didn't know... I am so sorry you know. You can spend every single holiday with us if you'd like." I told him as he smiled down at me and winked.

"I'll be fine just spending it with you, cause you're already everything I have." Nick said as I smiled widely at the man before me. The boy is my destiny. There was a small knock at the door as my dad entered swiftly into the room.

"You guys your lunch is ready." My dad informed us as he looked between me and Nick and raised an eyebrow... turning around and disappearing down the hall. "That was so embarrassing." Nick whispered as I laughed and dragged him out of the room.

We made our way into the kitchen and sat down on the kitchen table. My mom gave us both a plate of black beans, cauliflower rice and a side of salad. Nick smiled and thanked my mom as I did the same. We started eating as suddenly the front door opened and in came in my sister.

"Hey Luce! And um, weird man eating on our kitchen." Kennedy said as I laughed and Nick smiled up at her. "Kennedy, this is Nicholas Scratch. The guy I told you about..." I said as Kennedy smiled and nodded. "I remember." She said.

"So Kennedy, we have an activity today with the coven. So you'll have to be alone until late... Is that okay with you?" My mom asked as I suddenly remembered today was the draw for the Queen of the Feast.

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