Arc 1: New Life

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I don't own Naruto. Mr Kishimoto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers! Welcome to a new chapter of "Years Without" and I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows!

Plot Summary for Chapter 1: In this chapter, we explore how the world has change in seven years after the last war and how our characters are continuing on with their lives despite the memories of past are still fresh in their minds.

I would also like to credit fellow author: BleedingTrash" for sharing her ideas to the story.

Also, feel free to share some of your ideas for future chapters.

Expect some grammar and spelling mistakes along the way.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Chapter 1: New Life

"This forest hadn't change a bit!

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"This forest hadn't change a bit!

A voice belonging to a dark blue haired girl commented as she walked along the pathways of the forest on towards her destination. Carrying a picnic basket, 23 year old Himawari Uzumaki calmly walked with excitement inside of her, it was one of the times that she would be seeing a certain person once again.

"Watch your step Kit!"

Another voice belonging to a certain small crimson nine tailed fox said as he walked alongside the young lady. Being alert and cautious, Kurama sighed in exhaustion as he found himself again in the forest, accompanying the girl towards a certain Hyuuga's lone grave. He had no complaints of accompanying the girl for the hundredth time in six years, He just really didn't like walking upwards on a hill which makes him really tired nowadays.

Since that time when the Kit broke the connection and borrowed all of his power just to eliminate the rest of Otsutsuki's forces, he hasn't seen the time where his power should be regenarating back to him now, In all those years after the war, he still felt being a normal fox, even though his status as a tailed beast is very much alive.

Now he found himself in this task of accompanying the Kit's only daughter towards his wife's final resting place and he didn't care on how many times he had being doing this but he had made promised years prior to always be there on the watch for Himawari, and he never break that promise since.

"Are you doing alright Kuu-chan?" He snapped back to reality as he heard the girl's voice calling to him.

Kurama straightened for a little bit as he was ready to take order from the girl like a soldier." Yes, What is it Hima?" He said.

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