Arc 1: Returned Part 3

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Author's note: Hey there Readers! Welcome to a new chapter and I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows!

Plot Summary for Chapter 5: In this chapter, Orochimaru, and Tsunade are in for a big revelation when "Nawaki" the blonde woman's younger brother turns up alive in their doorstep, fifty years after his death. Boruto, who was the one responsible by bringing the boy here, faces challenges of explaining this to them.

I would also like to credit fellow author: BleedingTrash, Banix, Andorian, and Ghelourd" and "The Ethereal Lord for sharing their ideas to the story.

Also, feel free to share some of your ideas for future chapters.

Expect some grammar and spelling mistakes along the way.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 1: Chapter 5: Returned Part 3

Arc 1: Chapter 5: Returned Part 3

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50 years ago

Location: Forest Battlefield

Chaos and Smoke were everywhere around the area which has been recently turned into a battlefield in just a matter of hours. The screams of people, both civilian and Shinobi echoed throughout the forest as the battle between the allied forces and enemies continued to rage on through the night.

According to recent reports, the evacuation was deemed successful as most of the refugees and civilians were taken into the safer zone, although there was an ensuing battle between the remaining allied forces defending the base camp, and the ambushing enemy forces of Amegakure and Iwagakure.

The battle seemed to be endlessly ongoing for hours now.

Orochimaru was catching up to his breath as he just took down the first dozen of enemy forces that had attacked him and his unit. He was a part of a reinforcement group that was sent there to assist on the evacuation and safety of the civilians, and as well as helped the remaining allied Shinobi who were risking blood and sweat as they defended the camp.

Beside his duties and desire to participate in the battlefield once more, He also brought a promise with him. A promise that he made to his blonde teammate, that will he ensure the brown haired boy's safety and bring him back towards the village.

He wasted no time as he traversed through the forest, paying no heed to the many lifeless bodies of Shinobi laying on the ground. Visibility was near zero because of the large portion of smoke that had spreaded and almost covered the whole area that he was in right now.

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