Arc 1: Escape Part 1

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Author's note: Hey there Readers! Welcome to a new chapter and I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows!

Plot Summary for this chapter: Continuation of the previous chapter, details the trio attempting to fix the situation when the boy had overheard the classified conversation.

I would also like to credit fellow author: BleedingTrash, Banix, Andorian, and Ghelourd" and "The Ethereal Lord for sharing their ideas to the story.

Also, feel free to share some of your ideas for future chapters.

Take note: This Chapter is quite short

Expect some grammar and spelling mistakes along the way.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Arc 1: Escape Part 1

Nobody amongst the three adults could have expected it earlier. Before that, they already had set up their future plans to handle the current situation at hand regarding the boy. Although, no one would have anticipated as they were suddenly caught of guard when the boy himself unexpectedly entered the scene.

"Am I really dead?"

Those few words really brought the trio into instant trouble and as their bodies froze in surprised and shocked, each of them thought of any possible explainations that they could say to the boy before its too late. Boruto and Tsunade were the fastest ones to think of an answer to an easy yet complex question.

"Of course not!" Both of them exclaimed in unison, despite the noticeable tone of denial in their voices.

Orochimaru could only shake his head in secret. They were obviously giving away the truth in front of the boy, who was on his way towards realization if he ever fully learns of it.

"Nawaki, dear you're alive and well." Tsunade gave an assuring smile as she attempted to looked and sound normal in front of her younger brother. It was really tough right now for her since she didn't wanted to be stuck in this kind of situation.

"Don't worry kid, No one is here dying, Dattebasa." Boruto added, the young man was also trying to keep the situation intact. He along with the older blonde woman, gave every word that they have to say in order to convince or at least calm him down.

Orochimaru gave a sigh." This isn't even helping." He thought to himself. He already knew from the start that these two would eventually be overcome with their own version of panic. He also asked himself if it's the right time to join in but eventually he chose to stay quiet for a little while now.

As for Nawaki, the confusion inside of him was growing, his ears refused to absorbed the oncoming barage of words as he found himself staring into the faces of the two, who seemed trying hard to convinced him that everything was alright. Soon frustration would caught up to him in the midst of being barrage by words.

At the same time, Both of the two adults finally finished their seemingly endless number of explanations, they were in between on being sure that they managed to convince him and being sure that all there efforts were just wasted. So both waited for any responses.

"Then why there's a lot of incense beside the photo of me and Uncle Dan back in the living room!?" Nawaki asked, he was overcome with his own rage. He demanded to know answers. He was sure that he would understand that the others would think that he's been killed or missing in action but he didn't expect that everyone would be giving food offerings and incenses already.

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