Chapter 2

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 .=-Sophie's POV=-. (A/N It will probably be Sophie's POV throughout the story)

          After meeting Jolie, Jolie led me down to a battle-training courtyard. She smiled sweetly. "Kenric probably told you that the battle between the Neverseen and the Black Swan continues here. Well, he probably didn't mention that all of your physical attributes have been enhanced. I happen to be the Black Swan's best fighter, and I wanted to teach you! Of course, that is if you're willing?"

          "Of course! What will we be training with first?" I looked around and noticed a weapon rack filled with a ton of weapons.

           "You get to choose. We like to focus on one weapon to make sure you're at your best with the weapon." Jolie saw me eyeing the weapon rack and laughed. "Go choose one. Make sure it feels right."

            I wandered over the rack and analyzed my options. A sword perhaps? Or maybe a dagger? My eyes landed on a simple weapon and I lifted it, testing it's weight. It was a metal staff, but despite being metal, it was surprisingly light. I twirled it in my hands a few times. It felt right in my hand and I turned back to Jolie.

             "I like this one." I told her and her eyes lit up. "A staff! Excellent choice! I happen to fight with a staff so this will be fun!" she observed. She snapped her fingers and a staff like mine appeared in her hands. She tapped a small screen on her outfit near her wrist. Three ghost like figures appeared.

              "A lot of people think that this move is effective because it takes out two people, and looks cool as a bonus, but it's not the most effective move." She demonstrated by leaping at one of the ghosts, knocking it to the ground as she pushed off it's chest and attacked another.

              She had a small grin on her face. "This is the most effective move," She jumped forward again, using her staff to wipe out the two ghosts in front and again jumping off of the third's chest. She whipped her staff be hind her and took out the additional two ghosts she added behind her.

               "Why don't you try?" She told me. I was a little nervous, but attempted it anyways. I wasn't nearly as graceful as Jolie, but I did eventually achieve it. "Not bad," Jolie commented. "Thanks, but how do you do that? You looked so graceful and I almost fell flat on my face!" I exclaimed. Jolie laughed lightly and told me, "Well, for one, lots of practice, and two, let the staff guide you. Try again." She encouraged me and stepped back. 'Let the staff guide you' Jolie's words rang in my head as I leaped, this time landing gracefully with all five ghosts at her feet. 

                 "You're getting the hang of this!" Jolie told me and the training continued for multiple hours until I was pretty much one with my staff. Jolie showed me how I could attach the staff to the tunic I was wearing. Everything was going great, while her friends lives were in turmoil....

.-=No ones POV=-.

                  "What are we going to do without Sophie? She was the key to all of our plans!" This had been repeated at least five times in the past minute, and everyone was tired of it. Keefe was pretty sure that if Foster were here she would be snapping, 'Well maybe you shouldn't revolve around me!' While everyone was devastated at the loss of Sophie, they had to get back to planning. The Neverseen weren't stopping, why should they?

                   "I guess we'll have to come up with new plans." Fitz said softly. He was probably taking it the hardest. He was actually there when she died, and she was his girlfriend. "I wish Sophie were here..." Biana said wistfully. "Who doesn't?" Dex replied solemnly. "Guys, I'm pretty sure if Foster were here she wouldn't want us to grieve, we should be making plans!" Keefe pointed out.

                   He had a point. This was all they had been doing all day. Sulking. You couldn't blame any of them. They had just lost their best friend. Or in Fitz's case, girlfriend. 

                   "He's right." Edaline said behind them. "Sophie doesn't want you to grieve over her."

                    "And you now this HOW?" Fitz inquired.

                    Edaline held up the journal. "It was in her last journal entry." She handed the journal to Fitz, who flipped to the final entry. "I guess... We should start planning then."


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