Chapter 10

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.-=Sophie's POV=-.

Me, Fitz, Keefe, Biana, Linh, Wylie, and . . . pretty much the whole gang were at my house. Gethen was in prison, and we hadn't seen any of the Neverseen for a while. We all jumped up when Juline ran into the room, panting like she had been running.

I ran up to her and asked, "What's wrong?" She answered me by saying, "Gethen's gone." What? How?

I voiced these questions and Juline just shook her head and said she didn't know. Apparently, Gethen somehow managed to leave the cell with out cutting through the bars, or door. Or digging a hole out. Or any other method of escape. Think, Sophie. How could Gethen have escaped like that. My mind went back to the days I spent . . .  dead I guess. Training, missions, more training, my wrist band, my staff, . . . wait.

I groaned and face palmed myself.

Everyone gave me a confused look. "I'm an idiot," I grumbled. I turned to Juline. "When you last saw Gethen, did he have this black rectangle, square thingy?" When she nodded I sighed and muttered "Wrist band".

"As much as I'm loving Foster's mysteriousness, can you please explain?" Keefe questioned.

"No. Of course not." I responded sarcastically. Keefe glared at me before I opened my mouth to explain.

"That rectangle-square thingy you saw? That was a wrist band. Manly belongs to those . . . ." Well this is awkward. How do I phrase this? ". . . like me. Or . . . yeah you get the point. It allows the wearer to just imagine themself there and appear out of nowhere in that location."

"Really?" Wylie asked.

"Uh, yeah. How else do you think I got to that standoff where I killed Gethen without making a sound?"

"So . . . he used this wrist band to escape," Biana clarified.

"That's what I'm assuming. I can't believe it took so long for him to do it."

.-=????? POV=-.

I watched through the window as Sophie explained something. I turned away and walked in the shadows of the house while I heard someone's voice.

"Where you successful?"

I rolled my eyes.

"Yes. I was successful."

"Good. You know where to go from here."

I sighed. "That, I do. You've pretty much drilled that in my head."

"Well then, move on to Phase Two."

The voice went silent.

Here we go again. I kept to the shadows as I held up a purple crystal and leaped away.

Man, I hate the smell of this place. Smells like something, no, not something, a million things, were rotting. I stepped through the sludge that was mud as I shifted and felt four paws on the ground beneath me. I let out a growl and ran through the mud as I set up everything needed for Phase Two.

Why did I even agree to do any of this?

. . . That was a good question.

Why did I agree to do any of the stuff I've done.

I remember their threat. But that was just for this job. Why was I working for them?

I shifted back. I won't stay in that for right now. I rested my head against a nearby tree. I felt a single tear slip down my face.

"Why do I. . ." I whispered to myself, my voice trailing off.

It didn't matter anymore. It was done.

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