Chapter 13

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.-=Sophie's POV=-.

I laid back on my bed.

Knock knock knock.

"Who is it?" I grumbled.

"Mr. Forkle."

"Get out!"

Despite kicking him out, the door opened anyways. Letting out something that sounded like a growl, I sat up to see a nervous Forkle.

"I thought I said, 'Get out!'" I yelled as I began marching over to him. "Miss Foster please, I just want an explanation!" He tried desperately, but I shoved him out, with maybe more force than needed, out of my room, slamming the door in his face.

I hadn't let anyone into my room. Of course, Edaline, being the mother she is, seemed to recognize this and conjured my food to my room.


I felt the color drain from my face as the realization ringed around my head, each time more disgusting than the last. "Miss Foster, you don't look to good," Mr. Forkle observed. "Are you alright?" And it was the concern in the voice that layered even more disgust on top of it.

"I'm fine." I insisted.

Except I'm definitely NOT fine.

He still looked wary, but just continued. "So, do you agree with the plan? We still have some things to work out, but those will come in time."

I snorted.

I stood, and Mr. Forkle looked confused. "No, I most certainly do not agree with this plan, nor will I follow through with it." I stormed out the room, leaping back to Havenfield and up to my room, slamming the door with a very confused Grady and Edaline on the other side.


.-=Edaline's POV=-.

Mr. Forkle came back down the stairs.

"I take it by the slamming of a door, it didn't go so great?" I asked.

"That's an understatement."

I sighed. Sophie was seriously beginning to worry me. "I'll see if I can get her to talk to me."

"Much appreciated," Mr. Forkle said, defeated.

Soon after he left, I squared my shoulders and made my way to the kitchen, conjuring the ingredients for Mallowmelt.

Once it was done, I personally went up to Sophie's bedroom and entered.

She chose not to acknowledge my presence.

I sighed and sat on the bed.

"What do you want," she said, muffled by a pillow.

"I have Mallowmelt," I prompted.

Sophie groaned before sitting up and admitting, "Fine, you got me." She reached for the Mallowmelt, but I lifted it out of reach. "Not until you tell me what's wrong."

Sophie stared at me.

And then slumped back down on the bed in defeat.

"That bad, huh?"

"Yep," she said. "I don't want to talk about it." I frowned.

"Okay, just know that me and Grady are here to talk about it when ever your ready."

I stayed there for a few minutes, rubbing circles on her back before standing and leaving the room.

.-=Sophie's POV=-.

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