Chapter 11

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Here's the deal. If some of you saw my announcement you would know that I am now a Keephie shipper, and not a Fitzphie shipper. So here's what I am going to do. I will allow the previous chapters before this to remain Fitzphie chapters. And these next chapters. Yes, you read that right. I will keep this a Fitzphie story. Oh and, DO NOT READ ON IF YOU HAVE NOT FINISHED LEGACY!! (I'm looking at you sammyawesomecloggers)

Got it?


Thanks for reading that!

.-=Linh's POV=-.

Time seemed to freeze when Sophie collapsed.

Man. Fitz and I knew she wasn't okay.

Fitz cradled Sophie with wide eyes, and I couldn't help but remark, "You know, instead of sitting there panicking how about Sophie is definitely not okay, how about we leap back and get her proper medical attention?"

Fitz nodded numbly. I guess I couldn't blame him, I mean, this might be the second time for him. 

Which is why we needed to leave.

We all, including Nixie, stepped into the beam of light, and lept away. We reappeared at Havenfield and I ran ahead of everyone else.

"WHERE'S ELWIN!!!" I shouted.

Grady and Edaline came running out of the house, giving me a look that says, what's wrong?!

Panting, I shook my head and pointed to Fitz, who was carrying an unconscious Sophie,with  Wylie and Nixie trailing behind.

After seeing the condition Sophie was in, They pulled out an imparter and hailed Elwin. Fitz put Sophie down, and within a minute Elwin raced out to us.

"What happened?" He asked as he knelt next to Sophie.

"We don't know," I mumbled. He slipped on his spectacles and stared in alarm before scrambling over to his bag and searching through it.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Edaline asked tentatively. 

"Was she exposed to limbium? Because what I'm seeing are traces of a slight allergic reaction."



I frowned and looked toward Nixie, in a glance asking, did you know about what happened?

Nixie shook her head.

.-=30 minutes later=-.

.-=Sophie's POV=-.

I slowly opened my eyes to see I was back in my room.

With the familiar feeling of being hit by a train a few times.

I tried to sit up, but decided against it when dizziness and nausea struck.

It was still really warm in here. But I was pretty sure it was for a different reason.

A few deep breaths helped the nausea, and the dizziness faded. Let's try this again. I sat, took a few breaths to calm more nausea, and I was sure I could guess what had happened.

After all, I've done this, what, three times now? Four?

Using the wall, I guided myself toward the door, still a little shaky on my feet. I twisted the doorknob and stumbled slightly out the door.

Right into a wall of muscle.

"Hi Sandor," I mumbled, rubbing my head where I collided.

"Miss Foster, you should be in bed," Sandor's squeaky voice replied, and it didn't take much to hear the care in his voice.

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