Chapter 14

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.-=Sophie's POV=-.

I tried, sort of unsuccessfully, to blink the sleep from my eyes, watching Calla's petals fall from the branches.

How did I get out here?  I sat up, and yawned.

And noticed my hair.

"Dang it!" I yelled, holding up the black tips. "I dreamed that whole thing!"

Making some sort of angry but playful face I stood up and stretched. I made sure to check my watch.

Oops. I missed a lot of messages from Kenric, Jolie, and Mr. Forkle.

I guess I had better call them.

I'll start with Kenric. He's less likely to yell at me.

"Hey Kenric! Sorry I missed all of your messages. Apparently I was a lot more tired," I laughed, rubbing behind my head in a flustered way. "Sophie, don't worry about it. Do you remember what happened at the meeting?"

"Uh, Maybe? Let me jog my memory." I looked up, as if expecting to look with my eyes into my brain for the answers. And maybe it worked because I remembered I took notes on my wrist.

"Oh! I took notes," I said, and glanced at my wrist.

It was a little smeared but nothing I couldn't handle.

"Ummm... the Neverseen plan to crash the Foxfire Celebration by causing a black out and holding the Council hostage. To keep the Black Swan away, some members will catch their eye and they will follow." I finished, before glancing back at Kenric. "Do they really think all of the Black Swan are going to leave?"

Kenric laughed, "Maybe not all of them, but if they show enough people there wouldn't be enough of the Black Swan to stop them. Thanks Sophie, I'll talk with Mr. Forkle and we'll come up with something."

"True, see you around!" I said, before his image flashed away. I stretched again and yawned. Imagining the training grounds, a flash of white and suddenly I was there. I felt a familiar pang in my heart as I looked around and realized how close it looked to what my friends and I had trained in before. I waved to some of the members as I passed them, before I stumbled into Jolie.

"Hey Jolie! Are we doing anything today?" I questioned as we hugged.

"Nope! Feel free to relax Sophie," She replied and smiled.

We exchanged our goodbyes and I walked off.

What would I do to pass the time?

Maybe I can see what Biana is doing.

I imagined Everglen in my mind and appeared there. I walked up to Biana's room, only to find she wasn't there.

Ummm... Maybe she is with Linh?

I checked and Linh was just in her room messing with some water in a glass. 

Maybe she was training?

I checked the training grounds, and Biana was there.

She was all alone, and working on her accuracy with goblin throwing stars. I leaned up against a tree.

She wasn't doing bad, but her grip could've been better.

"Tighten your grip, and move your thumb to the left a little." I silently willed her to make the corrections.

"Release your grip a little sooner, it'll make the strike harder." I encouraged, even though she couldn't see nor hear me.

I actually updated for once? Wow, go me! Big acomplishments. This is just the beginning for this chapter, so stay in touch. Sorry for the long wait!!

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