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A/N: THIS IN NOT IN CONTEXT WITH THE PLOT. Just sayin' that. I feel that I haven't given you guys enough Sophitz fluff soo..... Here you go! I have dedicated a side chapter completely focused on Sophitz! (WHY ARE YOU STILL READING THIS??? GO ON TO THE CHAPPIE) I AM working on the plot I promise. It's just... taking a moment. I want to make it longer than the other chapters I've written, and I feel bad because sammyawesomecloggers showed me up with a chapter that is OVER 4,000 WORDS LONG!!!! How do you do that? Please tell me!! I need tips!!!

Sophie was frantic. She had invited Fitz over for absolutely no reason at all, and her room was a mess! She telekinetically  (Is that right????) made her bed and put away her school supplies while running a brush through her hair. She heard soft laughing from her doorway and turned, wide-eyed, to see Fitz, trying to contain his laughter. Sophie was officially a tomato. "H-hi Fitz!" She exclaimed, startled and embarrassed. He crossed the room and gently took the brush from her hand, smiling with the sweetest smile she had ever seen.

He guided Sophie to her bed and pulled him into his lap. Sophie was shocked as he began running the brush through her head.

Fitz Vacker was brushing her hair.

(Just that was fun to write.)

"Sophie, don't think you have to look perfect to see me." Fitz teased as he set down her brush and pushed her onto the bed next to him.

.-=Fitz's POV=-.

Sophie let out the most adorable shriek of surprise. I grinned as I laid down next to her. How did I get so lucky? I gazed with loving eyes at the center of my world. Her gold flecked eyes were startled, but I could tell she loved me.

 She rolled her eyes in a teasing way and kissed me. I immediately relaxed into it, I wrapped my arms around her and didn't want to move. The world could hit us like a brick right now and I could care less. All that mattered was that Sophie was right here next to me.

Sophie pulled away and took one look at my pouty face. "I have to breathe y'know!" She laughed and ruffled my hair.

.-=Biana's POV=-.

I snuck into Sophie's room. I couldn't just do nothing!! I found her iPod and looked for a song that looked like it could be romantic. I found one and smiled. I could tell that just by the name of the song that it was romantic. I pressed the strange triangle thing that I hoped would play it. When the song started playing, I slipped to the corner of the room to watch.

.-=Sophie's POV=-.

My iPod started playing. I jumped in surprise. I recognized the song as "You Say", one of my favorites. I relaxed and an idea sprung into my head. I wrapped my arms around Fitz and pulled him into a dance, somehow managing not to trip, or step on his toes, or anything else I would usually do. I could tell Fitz was surprised at first, but then he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him.

He was just the right height that he rested his chin lightly on the top of my head. I could feel myself blushing. We danced until the song was over.

.-=Fitz's POV=-.

Darn. The song was over. I was really enjoying dancing with Sophie and I moved my hand up to her chin. I placed my lips on hers and we stayed like that for a moment. When we broke apart, I took a glance at the clock.

"Shoot! I was supposed to be home ten minutes ago!"

To my surprise, I heard Sophie laugh. "You, Fitz Vacker, are late." She said between laughs. "You're never late!" She was right, and I began laughing as well. She came with me as I made my way to the Leapmaster. I frowned as I called out, "Everglen!" (Ligit I just sat there for thirty seconds because I couldn't remember what the name was 😂) I didn't want to leave. I pulled Sophie in for one last hug, before stepping into the light and going back home.

A/N: AND THERE YOU HAVE IT!!!! YOUR GLORIOUS SOPHITZ CHAPTER!!!!! I shall now return to le plot *drums fingers evily*. Until next time, KeeperSquad!!

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