Chapter 9

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That's all I could remember.

Not the pain of training. Not even physical training.

(A/N: Whoops I forgot to mention this is Sophie's POV)

It was emotional. The pain of trying to ignore the fact that I felt as if half of myself was taken away.

But now wasn't the time for that.

I shook myself back into focus as I stood behind the stage with my love by my side. "Okay, here's what we're going to do," I whispered to him. "The initial shock of us being there will give us a small advantage. I can take on Gethen-" I felt Fitz grab my arm and turned to him in confusion. I was surprised by Fitz's arms wrapping around me. I pulled him close as he whispered in my ear, "Sophie, I don't think you get it. Gethen should be dead. I've seen this before. With you." His voice broke. "You couldn't be killed again."

I broke away. Fitz stared at the ground, so I gently lifted his head till his eyes met mine. I gave him a sad smile.

"I know."

Fitz stared at me in shock. "But I'm the only one who is capable of taking him on. My fighting levels are equal to his."

I hope.

Reluctantly, he nodded, so I continued on with the plan. "You'll have to take down the other two on your own, so be quick. For me." I felt my eyes fill with tears and I quickly planted a kiss on his lips.

"Please come back, Soph. I can't do that again."

We each steeled ourselves as we split up. I held my staff in my hands, ready to take on someone who can't be killed. Perhaps, since I was dead, the rule doesn't apply to me. Let's hope I'm right.

I spotted Fitz on the other side of the stage, ready. I nodded, before I transmitted to him, I love you. 

I love you too Soph. So, so much.

After receiving his reply, we leaped in unison.

I wrapped my staff around Gethen's throat, and kicked him in the soft spot behind his knees, forcing him to kneel. He reached up and grabbed my staff, and, with surprising strength, dragged me over his shoulder and flat on my back. I felt the wind knocked out of me, but grit my teeth and stood. Gethen seemed surprised that I didn't have black tips, but then he grinned evilly. He didn't have to speak. I already knew he was thinking that I couldn't kill him.

While I was pondering his look, Gethen managed to kick me in the stomach.

Geez, Sophie, get it together.

I stumbled back one step before I planted my feet and swung my staff, baseball style, and it hit Gethen right underneath his ribs. He grunted and stumble a little and I took advantage of it and jabbed him in the gut. He had already been stumbling, so he completely fell to the floor. I pinned him with my foot and placed my staff on his throat.

Some sort of growl came out of him and he grabbed my staff and wrenched it out of my grip, before grabbing me, and flipping me on my back, standing and placing his foot on my throat. Well the roles definitely just switched. My feet were pinned. I was quickly losing air, and spots were dancing across my vision, but I realized that around me was silent. As well as I could, I looked around. Everyone was watching me and Gethen. Even Fitz, who was standing there watching in horror. It occurred to me that Fitz didn't attack Gethen because he knew I didn't want him to.


I don't want to leave him. Not again. It would hurt too much emotionally. No. I couldn't give in now. Forget formal fighting. I let my eyes close and forced my body to go limp. I heard Fitz's heart-wrenching cry as I felt Gethen's foot move away from my throat as Gethen stepped away and laughed.

Boy, did he have it coming.

I waited patiently, and footsteps told me that Gethen had moved into the spot I needed him to be in. I fluidly opened my eyes and propped myself up on my hands. I swung my leg into Gethen's legs and they gave way, and he flopped to the stage, groaning.

Remember the arms. I pinned both his arms and wrists, and fought his writhing as much as I could,

Where are the Black Swan when you need them?

Right after I had that thought, Biana, Dex, Keefe, Tam, and Linh all burst through the tree's and stared.

Before they ran to the stage.

Biana and Linh helped me with Gethen, while Dex, Keefe, and Tam all went to assist Fitz. I took a moment to analyze Fitz's work. Ruy appeared to be slumped to the ground unconscious and Trix was backed into a corner.

Not bad, I transmitted.

Meh. You did better.

I chuckled in my head. How in the world did I end up with a boyfriend like Fitz?

Meet me under Calla's Panakes tree when you're free.

--Time Skip brought to you by me 😃--

I sat under Calla's tree, watching as petals swirled down all around me. I rose slowly to my feet, and slowly climbed the tree, until I relaxed on one of the branches. I fidgeted with some of the petals around me.


I shrieked and flailed, which, unfortunately sent me falling out of the tree. Except, instead of hitting the ground, I landed in Fitz's arms. He smiled as he held me and I rolled my eyes and let my head rest on his chest as he sat down with me in his lap.

The smile on my face held nothing but love.

I wriggled out of his grasp and onto the ground, before resting my head on his shoulder.

I felt Fitz lay his head atop mine before grabbing one of my hands, intertwining our fingers. We didn't mention the Neverseen. Not the festival. We only sat there in a comfortable silence. I closed my eyes and just leaned on Fitz.

.-=Fitz's POV=-.

I slowly lifted my head and gazed at Sophie, smiling. She had fallen asleep. Nothing could be better in this moment than it already was.

1056 WORDS!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Also, can we just address the fact that, as of this moment, Gone but not Forgotten is FREAKING NUMBER ONE IN THE SOPHIE FOSTER TAG?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm like, totally freaking out right now! I hope you guys liked this chapter and if you did be sure to leave a vote and comment! I'm off!!!


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