Chapter 12

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A/N: Merry (late) Christmas! I wanted to post sooner, but I was on vacation so that . . . did not happen, and I apologize for that. How lucky are you guys, I mean, I wrote up two chapters for you guys (maybe because I was eager to start Chapter 12). Again, sorry for the wait, and I'm gonna stop talking now and let you read the chapter!

.-=Sophie's POV=-.

"Why are we here again?" Nixie questioned, her nose crinkling at the smell.

I had been expecting to be overcome with pain.

But I wasn't.

In fact, I felt great. I smirked inwardly, seeing as how I told Elwin it may make me feel better, and I was right.

"Because I want to know how I ended up with a slight allergic reaction when we were leaving," I reasoned. Nixie made an'O' face, before nodding in acceptance.

Hopefully, Gisela and Vespera left.

She began searching in the trees, but I had a suspicion about the knife thrown at me.

So I made my way back to the clearing, and fortunately the dagger was imbedded in a tree.

I grabbed the handle and pulled with everything I had, feeling it come loose, but not coming out.

I tugged again, and this time it came out smoothly. So easily, that I stumbled backward.

"They left the dagger?" Nixie wondered aloud as she joined me. "I'm curious about the material of the blade, because my cut hurt unnaturally. Do you know anything reactant to limbium?" I questioned, and caught her smirk. "You."

I chuckled and added, "Besides me."

She shrugged. "But we can always check the alchemy books at Foxfire," She suggested.

I beamed, "Perfect!"

Which is how it lead that we were racing through the halls to an alchemy classroom, and inside we quickly found a book on chemical reactions. Skimming through it, we found limbium, and under it, it only had one thing on the list of reactants. Sicevia(A/N: pronounced Sis-eh-via).

"Maybe it's on the shelves?" I asked hopefully.

It wasn't.

We quickly made our way to Slurps and Burps, and they only had one bottle.

"Thanks Kesler!" I said as I payed for it. Thankfully, he didn't question what we were using it for.

Carefully, Nixie poured the Sicevia over the dagger, and it did react, in a very cool way.

The clear liquid of Sicevia turned a pale purple and solidified, which is exactly what the book said would happen.

My hope was squashed when the meaning of the revelation sank in.

The Neverseen had very effective weapons to use against me.

"We should make our way back to Havenfield." I said shakily. I could tell Nixie had realized the same thing, seeing how she looked sadder.

I held my home crystal up to the light and whisked us both away.


Walking into the room was not what I expected. I had been expecting them to freak out and question where I had gone, but in reality, they didn't even notice.

I cleared my throat, and everyone turned to look at me, and I was shocked by the number of glares I received. So much so, that I took a step backward.

(A/N: List of people glaring at Sophie: Elwin, Mr. Forkle, Grady, Sandor, Fitz, Keefe, Tam, and Wylie. People there: Edaline, Elwin, Mr. Forkle, Dex, Linh, Grady, Sandor, Grizel, Fitz, Keefe, Ro, Tam, Wylie.)

"I . . . found out what caused my reaction." I said uncomfortably, and Mr. Forkle's gaze went from glare to curiosity.

"And what would that be Miss Foster?" He inquired. I held up the dagger and said, "Somehow, the Neverseen managed to coat their blades in limbium."

"This could be what we need," He murmured, mostly to himself. I narrowed my eyes in suspicion.

"We'll talk in the morning, for now, you should rest. You've had a long day."

I yawned.

I could do that.


"While you were on your . . . adventure, we came up with a plan of attack to the Neverseen."

When Mr. Forkle said early, he meant EARLY. The sun was only beginning to rise and I had already been there for an hour. Enduring lectures. And FINALLY, we were moving on.

"Oh? And what would that be."

He picked up two pieces of . . . I'm not sure what. He set them down on his map in Watchward Heath and said, "This is you and Keefe." Of course. The two most wanted people to the Neverseen.

Then he grabbed some different colored tokens and placed them near us.

Ah, pawns, great for representations.

I knew who they were representing before Mr. Forkle even said, "This is the Neverseen. Yours and Keefe's job is to make it seem as if you are the only two people there. Meanwhile, the rest of the Collective, with a team of goblins and ogres will surround them." He didn't bother putting more pawns out. "We will force them to surrender, and thus, the end of the Neverseen."

It didn't take much to acknowledge that to get the Neverseen there, we would leak information.

"So? What are your thoughts on this plan? We want to have your approval on it before we put it into action."

Something wasn't lining up.

"Well, for one, what if it doesn't end the Neverseen. The Neverseen are smart, they won't send all of their leaders to one area if they suspect it's a trap. Second, don't leak information. That's too suspicious. Best to let the Neverseen think they've caught us off-guard. Third, Gethen can easily help them escape. Fourth . . ." I trailed off. Something clicked in my head.

One, devastating thought.


The pawns were wrong.

I was a pawn in this plan. So was Keefe. And the Neverseen.

But no one else.

I was a pawn in this war.

And pawns don't usually make it through the endgame.

A/N: Okay, yes that was a little short, but I was struggling to lengthen it, so this is the best I can do. Sorry!! As always, comment what you think, and any errors I need to correct!

 Sorry!! As always, comment what you think, and any errors I need to correct!

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