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A sexy-looking Liam.
Here you go.


Damien was driving me crazy and it wasn't even funny. I had already gone home to get away from his mouthwatering scent.  It's not like I did not want to be his mate it's just that it worried me how people would take me. I was so deep in my thoughts I didn't hear my mom walk in.

"Deep thoughts again?" She said as she sat on my bed. "I brought you your favorite cocoa."

"Yeah.. am sorry... so what brings you here?" I asked as I sat up taking the mug. "Aside from the cocoa.."

"A little bird told me you do not want to be Damien's mate... baby you know what will happen if the mating is not complete. Do you want Luna to be pissed off..... and do you even consider what will happen to Damien....?" She asked all serious and I groaned.

"It's not that mom.. you think I do not know what will happen.. mama please ... I know what would happen... I just don't want people to know that I am... " I said and she cut me off.. "that you are what Liam, huh.. submissive is that the word?"

I looked at her shocked. How the hell did she know... did I slip up or something like that? Was I careless? I have something away.... these questions kept turning in my head almost panicked.

"Liam.... we all know you are submissive. Everyone in the pack knows. Damien's pack too. I mean look at the both of you... who do you think would end up being the pitcher in your relationship?" She said smiling.
"Mama that's not even funny. You all knew... when? I tried to be careful.. what do people think of me... ?" I asked looking at her almost crying.  She sighed and then pulled me in her arms.

"For a scary Alpha at times you really worry about how people take you. Am your mother of course I knew. Second when Damien and you met.... you hid behind your father acting all shy and blushful and when you knew each other you were stuck to him like glue. Played together, spent all the time together, you would cry whenever he was gone. Everyone knew you two would-be mates. You drifted after... I guess because you found out you are an Alpha that is submissive."

"Baby no one will judge what they already know. You would not have hidden it long. Then again.. have you seen Damien? That big sexy mate of yours would have definitely become dominant. You don't have it in you baby. Another thing... how long do you plan on hiding your heat... it's no wonder Luna made sure you got it as soon as you two became mates. You cannot torture the poor boy anymore.. " mom said kissing my forehead. "Prepare. Tomorrow is going to be a long day. So rest up. I love you. By the way, being the catcher is not bad at all.... "

I groaned and covered myself as my mom laughed walking out. I let out a long sigh. What the fuck...  all that build-up for this... people knew and here I was killing myself for nothing. Kay would be at ease now that everyone already knew about it. Mom was right. Tomorrow would be a long day.

The pack members had already gathered in the main hall and Damien was there with them. Looking at him made my mouth water. He looked so good in black and the scent was not helping at all. "Done eye-fucking your mate? " Brad said as I hit his head hard.
"Where were you yesterday? I looked for you everywhere but I couldn't find you. " I paused and sniffed him. "You smell funny... who did you mate with."

Brad scratched his head acting all cheeky then looked in the direction his eyes were looking and I gasped. "Hunter.... that feisty little thing is your mate?"

"Yes, and he is just perfect. What about you come to term about your mate..?"  He asked as we walked to where Damien and Hunter were.

"You knew too? Fuck of course you knew. I feel stupid now. " I said groaning loudly as I rubbed my face.

"You should. Fuck even the pups knew. An Alpha with a mother hen trait. That was enough for everyone, and have you looked at Damien... there is no way you would top that even if you tried. " Brad said laughing hard as I hit his head again blushing.

I muttered a fuck you as we headed to the main hall. All packs were gathered there. Damien was already laying out the plans for the new pack arrangements. I let him take over cause he seemed to be so good at it. The new packhouse, hospital, and all. School.... we lived differently from humans. They had their side we had ours. No werewolf even knew what humans looked like in terms of color and way of life. Mother nature had it that way. No matter how much humans were curious about us, they did not know where our world started or ended. We just took all their ideas for infrastructure.

After he was done, construction began immediately. In a few months, everything would be done. I helped coordinate in the packhouse building as Damien took over the school and hospital. It was great that no pack member had a problem with anyone. Everything was running smoothly or so we thought...

A rogue had appeared right in the middle of the pack. Damien had gone for supplies and I found the pack warriors surrounding it as the other members cleared the area. "How bold of you rant to come here." One warrior said. I chuckled and walked to it.

"At ease.. no need to pour out all your energy over some runt who has lost his way. Speak your message.." it was great how at peace I was at this moment. It was a while since I fought a rogue.

"Malachi said to be ready. " the rouge spoke and laughed. "we shall kill all of you and your.... " before he could finish, I ran to where he stood and reaped out his heart from his chest in one go then crushed it.

"Joshua.." I called one of my pack warriors.. "make sure the Malachi gets his reply. And someone clean this up. Nothing happened here. Get back to work" I took a fallen rug and wiped my hands as I walked back to the packhouse construction.

I could hear murmurs around me and I did not mind. The rouges were becoming bold. This was going to be a huge problem if not contained. Malachi must have had something to make him so bold as to send a rogue in broad daylight, the bastard. We needed to discuss this issue and fast. I sighed and walked into my study. A few minutes in, Damien walked in as his eyes roamed on my body. " am fine Damien."

"I will be the judge of that." He moved closer to me as he touched me. " I was worried sick. And fuck....You literally reaped his heart out? You have surely gained respect from my pack members. God, I love your scent. " he said as took breathed in and out and then leaned in to kiss me.
I did not hesitate like last time. I kissed him back with all I could. He bit my lower lip and pulled it making me moan deeply. I wrapped my arms around his neck as the kiss intensified. I could feel my knees go weak. Fuck.... every part of me was becoming sensitive. I pushed him on the chair and straddled his lap.

"Mate with me, Damien. Please... " I moaned as I started grinding myself on his hips feeling his already hard cock on mine making me grind harder... " please Damien... I want you to fuck me," I whispered in his ear then licked his earlobe sucking on it.

Tune in for some kinky and steamy moments.

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