10. Don't you wanna know where your dad is?

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Ivy's POV

Since the kiss, Sweet Pea and I have decided not to rush things and to not really tell anyone that there is something between us. We've just been secretly hanging out and well going on date-like stuff. 

I was sitting in the kitchen along with Jughead since FP found out about Penny the vibe between the two men was ruined and it was sad to watch. 

"So, I was thinking about our Penny Problem", Jughead started, god can't there be one day off. "My problem not ours", FP said. 

"I'm the one she has on camera delivering drugs", Jughead protested while I just kept sipping on my coffee. "How I deal with Peabody is not your concern. I'm handling it", FP told his son. 

"By pimping the Serpents out as drug runners?". "Boy", FP warned as he went to open the door. 

Tallboy came inside carrying about two to three bags. "Toss them in the corner", FP ordered. "Hey, what's in the bags, Tallboy?", Jug asked. 

"Hey, what did I just say? Mind your own damn business. Get to school". 


Jughead went ahead and went to school while I skipped with a lot of the Serpents. It was that time of the years where we would wrap up tons of gifts that the Southside donated to give it to the poor families. 

"When are you getting your tattoo done?", Fangs asked me as I tried wrapping up a play car. "I don't know maybe in the next couple days", I explained, it was a tradition to get the Serpent symbol tattooed as soon as you're a member. 

"Where do you wanna get that?", Toni asked. "Maybe on my rib cage or something", I smiled at her. 

When I was done with the play car I went over to help Sweet Pea. "Hey", I smiled. "Hey princess", he smiled back and my heart went crazy. 

I didn't care that we weren't officially dating or that we didn't had a label at all but for us, it was clear that there was something.

"What's going on?", Jughead asked coming into the Wyrm. 

"It's Serpent tradition. Every year, we give back to the Southside. Toys for tots, meals on wheels, kids and old folks living alone", Toni explained. 

"The Hells Angels do it", Fangs smirked. 

"I'm always down for charitable work. Hey, have you seen my dad?", Jughead asked. On cue, FP walked in, "Why aren't you in school?".

"Uh, it's a half-day before break", Jughead explained. "Well, in that case, you can hold down the fort here, Jug". "Or I could come with you guys", Jug suggested.

"Nice try, the answer's no", FP said as I leaned my head against Sweet Pea's shoulder, all this fighting between the two gave me a headache. 

"We do need another set of hands, boss", Tallboy told FP. "There you go, let me pull my weight", Jughead said trying again, "Dad I don't know what the snakecharmer has you doing-"

"Sweet Pea, you're with us", FP said making me lift my head off of Sweets' shoulder. "Be careful", I pleaded. 

Sweet Pea placed his hand on my cheek, "I will, princess". 


Later that day I was sitting on the couch along with Jughead, he was just sitting there while I was writing an essay for school. 

FP returned home, "Did you open them?". "No dad, out of respect for you", Jughead said since the two bags sat in front of us, "But your parole officer, Mister Walsh, he sure was curious".

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