14. Boys will be Boys

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Ivy's POV

After Reggie dropped me off at my home, I felt empty. As if all my emotions drained from me.

I sat down next to Jughead on the couch and just stared at the wall. "Ivy, you okay?", he asked but I didn't respond. If I would tell him what happened I would break out into tears and that was something I never wanted to do again.

Sweet Pea didn't deserve my tears, he likes Josi that's okay.

"Tallboy won't be coming back any time soon", FP told us as he entered the trailer grabbing a drink from the fridge.

"Good, he was a coward", Jug commented and usually that would have made me laugh.

"I was thinking, maybe I could take a page from your book, sit down with Mayor McCoy. Now that we know Hiram Lodge is responsible for the statue, I say we show her the head, appeal to her sense of justice", FP said but Jughead didn't say anything.

"What? You don't like the plan?", my uncle asked as his eyes landed on the empty table, "Where the hell is General Pickens head".

Jughead gave the head away, typical Jughead move right there. I just shrugged and stood up walking into my room and immediately falling asleep.


The next morning it was time for school, yay. Since I didn't care anyway I decided to sleep as long as I wanted, I showed up to school just after lunch break and sat down with Jughead's friends.

"Veronica are you trying to manage me?", Jughead asked. "Define manage".

"People will lose their homes", Jug said. "Why don't you come with your dad and sit down with my dad, and hash this out like civilized humans?", Veronica asked.

"One condition. Your dad comes to Sunnyside Trailer Park, he needs to see the people he'll displace", I mumbled annoyed.

"Fine and trust me, no one is being displaced", Veronica smirked at me.

"My God", Kevin gasped as he walked over to us, "Did you hear? My dad's scanner's blowing up. The police found another dead body. There's blood everywhere".

"Could the Black Hood have risen from the grave?", I asked.

"Did they say whose body?", Archie asked at the same time Betty asked where it was, weird.

"The investigation's still ongoing but it was a gruesome execution at the motel. Blood and brains splattered all over the duvet", Kevin said. "Okay, Kev, we get it", Veronica muttered getting a pale face color.

"I gotta go", Betty mumbled and stormed out. Jughead looked at me with a pleading look on his face, "Fine, I will look after her".

I followed the blonde girl into the restroom and entered shortly after her. She was sitting on the ground of a stall and I could tell she threw up.

"Oh Betty, are you okay?", I asked. "I'm fine, Ivy", she muttered.

"Please don't be pregnant", I begged but I just earned a dirty look, "Let me grab you a towel". "I said I'm fine", Betty snapped.

Why does everyone have to be so rude lately?

"You have puke on your collar", I mumbled and left the restroom. I needed a smoke after this shit.

I walked out of the school, damn only one hour here and I already needed a smoke. I leaned against the building as I lit the cigarette.

I took a long drain when the doors opened. "I knew I would find you here", Reggie chuckled.

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