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The next day after my last class of the day, I seated myself in the school's library and took advantage of the services. Pulling out my Sociology textbook and my notes from today's class out my bag, I take the pencil I purposely stuck in my messy bun and started marking off important notes needed for the small quiz the professor scheduled for this Friday.

Rough hands covered my eyes and my capability of studying but I smiled nonetheless knowing exactly who they belong to.

"Lucien," I giggle.

"Hell no," a girly voice whisper-yell.

Or so I thought.

"Oh....heyyyyy," I cover up the misunderstanding with a small smile. Her mouth is gaped open in shock. "So what, I have man hands?" she gasps.

"No no I-I-I-I I just thought y-y-you were," I stammer in embarrassment making her frown turn into a smirk. "You just thought I was your boyfriend," she teases and I scoff to hide the revealing blush.

"He's not my boyfriend. We've never talked about our relationship status."

"Oh so you're not together.......just messing around? Hmm you got skills," she hums.

"I would never play with someone's feelings like that. Also, you've been with him so why act so suspicious?" I squint my eyes to her and her smirk grows.

"I'm not. Just don't want you to get hurt," she answers and I didn't press the topic further.

"Why are you here anyways?" I inquire. I mean it's a library, a free space for all students. Just, I've never seen Syl step foot into this place before until now.

Syl intertwines her fingers together and lays her chin on them. "We are going to a party."

"No," I answer quickly, knowing that she was going to make up all kinds of excuses for me to go.

"Oh come on Mara you'll have fun. You don't even have to drink," she whines loudly and the librarian had to come over to shush her. I laughed mentally.

"No no I have a lot of studying to do for my Sociology quiz and then I have to phone home, organise some stuff and then I don't want to get caught doing the wrong things a-" she cuts me off by putting a finger to my lips.

"You're going to the party. I'm sure Lucien's going to be there and he'll buss ass for you and I'll look out for you. I promise," she shoots me her Sylvia Moore award winning smile and knew that I was going to give in.

"Fine but I'm not staying too late. I have a strict schedule for my medicine intake," I whisper and her eyes lit up.

"You're never going to regret tonight," she winks and I shoot a fake smile.

I hope she's right.

When we get back to the room, Syl gets ready for the party while I fiddle with my clothes, frustrated as I couldn't find anything party-like.

"Here try this on," she hands me one of her dresses and I cringe as I held it infront of my eyes.

"Syl, this is a mosquito net," I scrunch my nose.

"Well try catching something in it then," she laughs and I threw it back to her.

I pulled out a blue washed out jeans cut at the knees and a yellow off the shoulder blouse. I take a quick shower and change into the clothes. Settling for a yellow one toe sandals, leaving my hair loose and pinning my baby hairs back, I strap the tank over my back and turned to Syl who is applying too much makeup to her face.

I envy her confidence so heavily. The way the tight limestone colored dress hugged her curvaceous body and the way she can easily wear stilettos at her feet. To the top if off, the way she somehow manages to perfectly waltz around in them made me think twice about going.

"Where is this party anyways?" I ask nervously.

"It's a bonfire party out on Derry Lake. You remember Finn? He'll be calling to pick us up any second," she adds the last bit of eyeliner and closed her makeup kit.

"And you're going in those?" I pointed to her feet and she shrugs.

"Don't know what to expect babe," she claps her hands together, "all set?"

I take a look at my attire again and nod.

"Don't worry. You look beautiful." she compliments me and earns a my gratitude.

Her phone goes off and she informs me that he's outside. She grabs her purse while I push my phone into the side pocket of the tank. Finn is waiting out at front, blaring music out from the rolled down windows and I kept wondering if this school cares about noise pollution or not. Or anything at this point.

He greets us with a hug and we all get in his Porsche and he drives off. While Syl and Finn dosed off in a deep conversation about music, I text Cotton a small greeting and endorsed myself in a conversation with him.

I smile at the corny message he sends me before locking my phone again. I slightly jolt forward as Finn comes to a stop. I notice that we were at our destination.

Laughter of young adults and teens were heard nearer to the lake but the shimmering of the fire could've been seen at a far distance. Finn cuts off the engine and we get out of the car, making our way over to where everyone were at. We walk on the rocky walkway, crossing the bridge. I become nervous as I took in the amount of people that were here.

"Hey I'm right here. Loosen up a bit," Syl makes her way to walk next to me and shoots me a warm smile. I returned the gesture and quickened my pace.

"Look! Billie's standing over there. Are you coming or what?"


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